Day :
- Track 1: Renewable Energy Track 3: Bioenergy Track 6:Sustainable Energy Policies
Session Introduction
Anuar Kulmagambetov
Laitingen Financial Inc., Russian Federation
Title: The concept of lava flow controlled use as a source of energy and materials
![Anuar Kulmagambetov Speaker](
Anuar Kulmagambetov has graduated with honor in 1974 from Karaganda Polytechnic Institute. He is a Specialist in Automated information systems. In 1978, he pursued his postgraduate from Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of Kazakhstan. From 1978 to 1990 he worked as a junior sci. worker and then senior sci. worker in Institute of Control Science of the USSR Academy of Sciences (lab.59, lab.37) ( In 1980 he has completed his PhD in Model parallel management of databases. He has to his credit 25 works written and published till that period. From 2007, he has been involved in invention business and has patented four inventions, one more patent is pending.
Our civilization is facing an urgent need to include innovative, large-scale sources of energy and raw materials into its technological cycles. Alternative energy is not only the use of solar, wind and tidal seas, it is also the energy of volcanic magma, which potential is underestimated and not yet used. This potential source is still inspires awe. To find ways to control the outflow of lava and use it for the needs of humans is a task of the nearest future. We propose a method of remote control of lava flow which is based on a special design of a pipe which is lowered into the crater of a volcano. The magma is raised with the help of a well-known method for raising liquids, the airlift. This article includes description of the new opportunities to use magma energy to obtain: a cheaper electricity from the superheated steam; hydrogen by electrolysis as energy storage method; variable dimension materials for construction with density from 150kg/m3 to 3000 kg/m3 by using it as raw material; fertilizers from the cooled magma; heat to transport by tankers thermos. There is potential for the establishment of a whole new industry that will produce cheap electricity, hydrogen, rare metals, fertilizers and innovative construction materials.
Tesfaye Meseret Abebe
Otto-Von-Guericke University, Germany
Title: Aerodynamic design and analysis of a small scale wind turbine Rotor blade
![Tesfaye Meseret Abebe Speaker](
Tesfaye Meseret Abebe has completed his M.Sc. at the age of 24 years from Bahirdar University and now he is studying his PhD at Otto-Von-Guericke University Magdeburg,Germany. He is the director of University Industry Linkage of Dire Dawa University.
The basic principle of a wind turbine which converts wind energy into electricity comes from the lift force produced by the flow of air through the rotor. In this paper the aerodynamic profile of a small scale wind turbine rotor blade is designed based on a surveyed meteorological data for a site location called (Aysha dawale, ETHIOPIA). To design this blade the blade element momentum theory (BEM) is used, and based on this theory a code is developed using MATLAB to facilitate the design process. Types of airfoils which are used in the small scale wind turbine industry were investigated and compared based on optimum aerodynamic performance and thickness to chord ration for structural stability. According to this criterion the NREL airfoil families suited for small scale wind turbine blades in the range 2-5m blade length are selected and simulated using XFOIL to be an input for the design. After deciding the above initial parameter (airfoil type), the essential geometrical parameters such as twist angle and chord distribution along the blade span is optimized. The final values of this parameters decide the amount of power that can extracted from the wind, which is defined by the power coefficient.
An optimum power coefficient result requires optimizing the twist angle and chord distribution. In this design the chord distribution is designed to follow a linear shape tapering from the root to the tip of the blade. The remaining parameter (twist angle) is optimized using gradient based optimization technique coupled with the BEM program coded in MATLAB. This optimization technique is an automated process which receives variables to be optimized from the MATLAB solver (fmincon) and feeds through the BEM code, while the BEM code simultaneously access the simulated data’s of the airfoils and validate the optimum variables when a maximum power coefficient result is achieved. Based on this design technique a blade is designed for wind speeds which occurs most frequently weighted by the weighbull distribution. Simulation results of this design using QBLADE yields a minimum capacity of 1.4KW: at 4m/s wind speed, 50RPM rotor angular speed and a maximum capacity of 12.8KW: at 8m/s wind speed, 80RPM rotor speed efficient wind power conversion capacity is achieved. Further increasing the rotor angular speed to 200RPM increases the power capacity to 94.3KW at 16m/s wind speed, but according to the wind speed distribution in the selected region, for an average annual wind speed of 8.3m/s the rotor angular speed should be no more than 80RPM for efficient power conversion purpose. Within this bound the turbine can achieve a rated output power of 12.8KW.
Katsutoshi Shirasawa
Okinawa Institute of Science and Techonology Graduate University, Japan
Title: Development of a floating ocean-current turbine for the Kuroshio current
![Katsutoshi Shirasawa Speaker](
Dr. Katsutoshi Shirasawa is a staff scientist of the OIST (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University). He received his Ph.D. from Hiroshima University in 2004. His thesis focused on the polarization control using insertion device in soft X-ray region. After graduation, he joined the Japanese X-ray Free Electron Laser project. In 2012, he joined the OIST and started R&D work on an ocean-current turbine.
Ocean currents have an important potential for future renewable energy. Japan is in suitable location for harnessing the power of ocean currents because the Kuroshio ocean current runs steadily near the Japanese seaside. The Kuroshio current is a strong ocean current in the western North Pacific Ocean. The current flow is approximately 500 m deep and 100 km wide with a flow speed of 1—1.5 m/s. This seems to be rather slow flow, but it is sufficient for generating electricity because the water density is 800 times higher than air. In order to harness the kinetic energy of ocean currents, we propose a novel ocean-current turbine [1]. The turbines are moored to the seabed and function like kites in the water flow. To operate a turbine at the middle layer of a marine current, it is necessary to cancel the rotor torque. Therefore, our turbine is designed with a float at the top and a counterweight at the bottom. Owing the buoyancy and gravity, the turbine maintains a stable body. In this presentation, we describe laboratory and at-sea towing experiments and show that results confirm the float and counterweight configuration’s high hydrostatic stability and reliable electric power generation.
Hong Sun
Shenyang Jianzhu University, China
Title: Impedance characteristics of the all-Vanadium redox flow batteries
![Hong Sun Speaker](
Hong Sun has completed his PhD at the age of 29 years from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. He is the director of School of Transportation Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, China. He has published more than 160 papers in reputed journals.
Although all-vanadium redox flow battery (VRB) is very suitable for massive storage energy, its disadvantages such as low energy density, limited operating temperature and electrolyte solution imbalance, hinder its application. To improve the charge/discharge characteristics and AC impedance of single vanadium redox flow battery, a flow battery test system is developed and a single all vanadium redox flow battery is assembled in this paper. The charge/discharge performance and AC impedance of this assembled flow battery are measured by this test system. Equivalent circuit and equivalent resistance elements are investigated by using the equivalent circuit method and based on AC impedance spectroscopy of this all vanadium redox flow battery. The effects of current density, electrolyte solution flow rate and concentration on the charge/discharge characteristics and AC impedance are analyzed. These results show that the equivalent resistance elements of this flow battery consist of ohmic resistance in whole battery, Faraday resistance and capacitive reactance in both positive and negative electrode; the Faraday resistance of the positive electrode is more than that of the negative electrode; the increase of the electrolyte solution concentration increases the ohmic resistance and Faraday resistance, especially increases the Faraday resistance of the positive electrode.
Masjono Muchtar
Politeknik ATI Makassar, Ministry of Industry, Indonesia
Title: Physical model investigation of one way gear ocean wave energy converter as a floating wave breaker and renewable energy sources
![Masjono Muchtar Speaker](
Masjono has completed his Master Degree in Electrical and Electronic at the age of 28 years from Auckland University New Zealand. He attended doctoral studies started in 2013 at the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar - Indonesia. Currently, he is a doctoral candidate and Senior Lecturer at Politeknik ATIM Makassar, Ministry of Industry, Republic of Indonesia.
To date there were few studies of wave height reduction after interacting with one way gear wave energy converter developed at Hydraulic Laboratory Hasanuddin University and Politeknik ATI Makassar Indonesia. In this work, wave height reduction after interacting with physical model of one-way gear wave energy converter under various wave condition was investigated. Experiment was conducted at Hydraulic Laboratory Hasanuddin University, Makassar Indonesia. The physical model of wave energy converter be made up of connecting chain, gravity weight container (Mg), counter weight (Mc), rotating shaft, gear box and flywheels. This physical model has been investigated at wave tank simulator (flume) under various converter variables and wave variations. Experiment result indicated that wave height reduction is strongly determined by the number of gravity weight container that was set perpendicular to wave direction with determination coefficient of R2 = 0.9474. However, gravity weight mass has less impact on wave height reduction with R2 = 0.0622. In this experiment five gravity weight pairs were employed that yield cumulative wave height reduction by 35 %. This preliminary result showed that the proposed one-way gear wave energy converter could be utilized as a multipurpose floating wave breaker to protect beach erosion by reducing the wave energy and converted into new source of renewable energy.
Aye Aye Myint
Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
Title: Efficient techniques for woody biomass fractionation to enhance enzyme accessibility
![Aye Aye Myint Speaker](
She has completed her PhD in the year of 2004 from the Department of Industrial Chemistry (IC), University of Yangon (YU), Myanmar and postdoctoral studies from School of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE), Seoul National University (SNU), Republic of Korea. She had conducted her PhD reseach work for 3 years and 6 months at the Division of Water Chemistry and Water Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. She had served as a Lecturer, IC, YU for about 15 years, and has been working as a senior researcher at the CBE, SNU since May 2010 to date. She has published 6 papers in reputed journals.
As cellulosic ethanol has achieved economic viability, the development of valuable products aside from biofuels from all main components of woody biomass, including cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, has gained traction. However, refining of woody biomass on industrial scales has not been realized because the accompanying lignin, hemicellulose, and extractives hinder enzyme and microbial degradation. Hence, the development of new fractionation technologies to separate woody biomass into its core components and for the facilitation of research on the production of specific marketable downstream products are of great importance to ensure a profitable biorefineries on the industrial scale. Here, a novel method has been developed for fractionating cellulose microfibrils from forest residue (tulip tree sawdust) to enhance cellulose digestibility, particularly at minimum enzyme loading. This method involved three main stages: selective hemicellulose solubilization by subcritical water (subCW) pretreatment, delignification of the subCW-pretreated solids using the formosolv process, and deformylation/bleaching of the cellulose pulp with alkaline hydrogen peroxide solution. In the subCW pretreatment process, the efficiency of process was assessed by using the severity factor, R0, which describes the combined effect of temperature and time. The chemical composition, physicochemical properties and enzymatic digestibility of the pretreated products can be characterized and strongly correlated with the pretreatment severity. This study clearly showed that the removal of structural barriers to the enzyme attack was the dominant factor affecting enzyme accessibility to the substrate. Additionally, cellulose swelling had the greatest effect on the enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency of delignified pulp obtained by the Formosolv process.
Nyun-Bae Park
Korea Institute of Energy Research, Korea
Title: Effect of technology development in the industrial high efficiency boiler using TIMES Model
![Nyun-Bae Park Speaker](
Nyun-Bae has completed his PhD from Seoul National University. He is a senior researcher in the energy policy team, Korea Institute of Energy Research. He has published more than 12 papers in the energy and environment policy journals in Korea.
Energy saving potential and carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction potential of boiler technologies in the Korean industrial sector up to 2035 were analyzed using TIMES (The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System) model based on bottom-up optimization. Final energy consumption by industrial indirect heating boilers in 2013 accounts for 7% of Korea’s industrial energy consumption and 8% of the manufacturing sector’s consumption. Energy consumption of industrial indirect heating boilers is expected to increase about 25% between 2013 and 2035 in the baseline scenario. Economic potential against the baseline scenario through market competition between existing and new technologies is 5.6% for energy saving and 6.1% for CO2 reduction by 2035. Technical potential against the baseline scenario by deploying only the most efficient technologies in new installation demand is 7.9% for energy saving and 20.7% for CO2 reduction by 2035. The most efficient technologies by boiler technology categories were gas-firing super boilers. CO2 reduction potential is higher than energy-saving potential because fuel substitution toward gas was added to the energy-saving effect due to efficiency improvement. Regulation, incentives, information disclosure, and research and development of high-efficiency boiler technologies are necessary to realize technical potential beyond economic potential in industrial indirect heating
Shu-Yuan Pan
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Title: High-gravity carbonation process for CO2 fixation and alkaline waste stabilization
![Shu-Yuan Pan Speaker](
Pan received his Master (2011) and PhD (2016) degrees in Environmental Engineering from National Taiwan University, mentored by Professor Pen-Chi Chiang. Currently, he is a research assistant at Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory (USA), and serves as an adjunct researcher at Carbon Cycle Research Center at National Taiwan University (Taiwan). Pan was recently elected as one of the Green Talents from BMBF, Germany in 2013 due to his achievement on sustainable development. He has dedicated his research efforts to CO2 fixation and utilization, and water reuse process. Moreover, he has published more than 25 papers in reputed SCI journals.
An integrated approach to establishing a waste-to-resource supply chain within an industrial park was developed for CO2 fixation, wastewater neutralization and product utilization using high-gravity carbonation (HiGCarb) process. Several alkaline wastes, such as steel slag and byproduct lime, were gathered for performance evaluation operated under various levels of reaction temperature, rotation speed, and liquid-to-solid (L/S) ratio. A high CO2 capture efficiency (i.e., >95%) can be achieved via the HiGCarb process with a relatively short reaction time at ambient temperature and pressure. These alkaline wastes were found to be successfully carbonated with CO2 in the high-gravity carbonation process, where calcite (CaCO3) was identified as the main product. In addition, the results indicated that the rates of metal ion leaching from the alkaline solid wastes can be prohibited by the high-gravity carbonation process. Moreover, blended cements containing 5%, 10% and 20% replacements of ordinary Portland cement with carbonated solid wastes were tested for compressive strength development and autoclave soundness. The mortars were casted into 50 mm × 50 mm × 50 mm molds, and then tested at 3, 7 and 28 days. Since the carbonated product can be used as supplementary cementitious materials, CO2 emissions from the cement industry can be avoided if a green waste-to-resource supply chain between the petrochemical and cement industries is established. It suggests that an integrated approach to the proper treatment of alkaline wastes that permanently fixes CO2 from industries while producing valuable supplementary cementitious materials for the cement industry can be achieved via the HiGCarb process.
Seoyong Shin
Myongji University, South Korea
Title: A cost effective daylighting system for energy saving in multi-story building
![Seoyong Shin Speaker](
Seoyong Shin received B.S. degree in 1987 from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea in Control and Instrumentation Engineering. He received M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1989 from Florida Institute of Technology, Florida, USA. He received a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1992 from Texas A&M University, Texas, USA. In 1994 he joined the faculty of the Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Myongji University, where he became a full professor in 2003. His research areas include solar daylighting system, photovoltaic system, and optical communication functional modules.
The use of artificial light such as electric lighting in a building makes up a significant proportion of the electric energy consumption. In commercial buildings, 40% to 50% of energy consumption is accounted for by artificial lighting. Efficient daylight buildings are estimated to reduce the energy consumption needed for electric lighting by 50% to 80%. An optical fiber daylighting system (OFDS) that captures high intensity direct component of solar light, focuses it into an optical fiber and distributes the visible part of it into buildings would be an ideal lighting supplement to artificial lights in commercial buildings. Breakthroughs of this technology have been, however, delayed due to technical problems related to optical fiber: limited light transport distance, too high price. In this paper, we introduce a modified optical fiber daylighting system (M-OFDS) which can eliminate the disadvantages of optical fiber. Sunlight is concentrated through a Fresnel lens, and then focused onto a piece of large core POF. The output light from POF is collimated by a collimator attached at the end of fiber. The collimated and high condensed sunlight beam travels in the free space. The redirecting flat mirrors are utilized to change the direction of beam into the room. Because the transport medium is the air, the transmission loss becomes trivial. The high condensed beam with small size can be reached to the inside of the building easily through the entrances, windows, or vents of building. Some limitations of conventional OFDS such as transmission loss and high cost of POF are eliminated by using the proposed M-OFDS. The system was designed and simulated using LightToolsTM software. A prototype of MOFDS was fabricated and experimented under real condition. The simulation and experiments results shown that, system can achieve an optical efficiency of >50%, and 30 m of sunlight transport distance. This study is the first to use the method of light transmission in free space to overcome the limitation of high installation cost of conventional OFDS. It shows great potential for commercial and industrial scale daylighting fields.
Silvia Titotto
Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil
Title: Sustainable energy performance: bioinspiration from thermoregulation of the termite mounds
![Silvia Titotto Speaker](
About Silvia Titotto: PhD at Politecnico di Torino (Italy) in the field of "Technological Innovation for the Built Environment" (2010-13). Research on biomimetics, in particular: robotic sensory structures inspired by nature. Doctorate at University of São Paulo / USP (Brazil) in the field of "Architecture and Design" (2009-2013) with reserach about chaos theory and fractals. Master at USP in the area of "Architecture and Design" (2006-08). Research on design and lighting of cables, inspired by the dew on spider webs. Professional Degree/Bachelor in Architecture and Urbanism at USP (2000-04). Researcher of lightweight structures (cables and membranes) at Polytechnic School of USP (2002-04). Awarded in Germany for research in non-wovens by NRA / EDANA (2010). Recognized by the Fundación Carolina (Spain) among the TOP 50 young leaders recently graduated in Ibero-America (2005). Art exhibitions and lectures on her three-dimensional creations with their support and / or sponsorship (2003-2013), in Latin America and the European Union. Young full professor the fields of Architecture and Engineering at University Anhanguera and Univeristy Paulista and a temporary professor of Design course at UNESP.Fluent in English and Italian and reasonable communication in German, French and Spanish. Currenlty a Postdoctoral researcher at UFABC about Bio-inspired Deployable Structures.
Statement of the Problem: There is strong evidence of openings of possibilities for new paradigms for construction projects from recent research results that found that termites act as a lung that breathes once a day, driven by temperature changes between day and night, expelling carbon dioxide that accumulates activity of subterranean termites. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: This research examines biomimetic mechanisms of thermoregulation in termite mounds and aims to develop technological innovations for the built environment for greater energy efficiency, promoted by the thermoregulatory processes of these social insects. The methods of this research have been based on verifications at experimental modeling via computer graphics and by rapid prototypes that have been built from recent literature data. Findings: The preliminary results contrasts with longstanding assumptions biologists had that the termite mounds existed both to dissipate heat from the nest or ventilation in response to external air flux and confirms the recent trend in the field. Conclusion & Significance: This research has also reached social dimension when it aimed technical solutions that could also be applied in the future to emergency situations resulting from natural disasters, for example, or even cultural events in areas without energy infrastructure. Possible expansion of future proposals energy grid high performance, following non-linear geometry branches, which probably could significantly reduce costs for the local populations.
Camacho-Villan Erik Oswaldo
University of Mexico, Mexico
Title: Design and construction of a crushing machine for organic waste management in Mexico
![Camacho-Villan Erik Oswaldo Speaker](
The main author is Mechanical Engineer of the Engineering Faculty at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. This work presents the results of his Master's thesis in Energy. The author is an expert in mechanical design for end users and real applications.
Secondary author is professor-researcher at the Engineering Faculty and his research is based on the Production and use of biofuels . The author is Chemical Engineer, Masters and Doctorate degree in Engineering at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Her doctoral studies were in a program between Germany, the Netherlands and Mexico. Currently, she has 12 international publications on the subject of biogas.
A biogas plant at semi-industrial level was installed to one of the 23 restaurants of University City. The biogas substitutes 6% of the total heat energy consumption of the restaurant. The crushing machine investment represented 80% of the total investment cost of the biogas plant. The efficiency of the anaerobic degradation process depends on an efficient system of crushing. For the operation of the biogas plant were needed 3 people, because the crushing of organic waste could take up to 3 hours. 50 kg/day of organic matter are processed to reduce their size from 25 to 3cm. The crushing time represented around of 90% of work in the plant. In Mexico, the crushing machine must to be imported and the high cost reduces the economic viability of the plant, so we decided to design and construct a prototype of crushing machine with the following characteristics: size reduction by cutting with engine power of 1.5 Hp, speed of 425 rpm, manufacture material of stainless steel 304, 3 rotors and 3 blades coupled to the rotor; and 2 fixed blades in the crushing chamber. This new crushing machine decreased its investment in 95% of the cost of a imported machine. This crushing machine and its components are in the process of obtaining a patent. The optimum operation of the crushing machine reduced the hydraulic residence time in the hydrolysis and methanogenesis process from 30 to 18 days. Therefore also helps to reduce the size of the digester reactor for future designs for organic waste anaerobic treatment of a restaurant.
Yulin Deng
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Title: Low temperature and high efficiency biomass fuel cell and bio-hydrogen production
![Yulin Deng Speaker](
Yulin Deng received his Ph.D. at Manchester University, United Kingdom in 1992. He worked as a postdoc research fellow at McMaster University in Canada, and then was appointed as an assistant professor at Institute of Paper Science and technology (IPST) in 1995. He was appointed as an associate professor at Georgia institute of Technology in 2003, and promoted as a full professor in 2008. Dr. Deng is a Fellow of the International Academy of Wood Science, a member of ACS, AIChE and TAPPI. He received AIChE Chase Award in 2013. He is also the associate editor of 2 journals, and serves as the editorial board member for five journals. He published more than 200 peer reviewed papers covering biomass, biofuel, fuel cell, nanosceince and nanotechnology, and nanoelectronics.
A novel fuel cell which can directly use native polymeric biomasses, such as starch, cellulose, lignin, and even switchgrass and wood powders will be discussed. This fuel cell combines some features of solar cells, fuel cells, and redox flow batteries. Specifically, the polyoxomatelate is used as catalyst which forms a charge transfer complex with the biomass by either absorbing solar light or heat energy. The power density of the solar-induced hybrid fuel cell powered reached ~50 mW/cm2. Unlike most cell technologies that are sensitive to impurities, the cell reported in this study is inert to most organic and inorganic contaminants present in the fuels. The fuel cell is completely noble metal free. The similar system was investigated for low temperature hydrogen production using native biomass directly.
Meilin Liu
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Title: Intermediate-temperature fuel cells for distributed generation
Meilin Liu is a Regents' Professor and B. Mifflin Hood Chair of the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia. He received his MS and PhD from University of California at Berkeley. His research interests include design, fabrication, in situ characterization, and modeling of membranes, thin films, coatings, porous electrodes, and devices for electrochemical energy storage and conversion, aiming at achieving rational design of novel materials and structures with unique functionalities. Dr. Liu is an elected fellow of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) and the Electrochemical Society (ECS). He was the winner of many professional awards.
While large, centralized power generation systems offer excellent economy of scale, they suffer from efficiency losses and vulnerability to power outage due to required long-distance power transmission; it is also challenging to manage the mismatch between power generation and demands and to integrate renewable energy sources into centralized systems. Fuel cells are ideally suited for distributed power generation, producing power where it is used. Among all types of fuel cells, solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are the cleanest and most efficient option for direct conversion to electricity of a wide variety of fuels, from hydrogen to hydrocarbons, coal gas, and bio-derived fuels. However, their commercialization hinges on rational design of novel materials of exceptional functionalities at lower temperatures to dramatically reduce the cost while enhancing performance and durability. To accomplish this goal, it is imperative to gain a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of charge and mass transport along surfaces, across interfaces, and through porous electrodes. Further, new protocols must be developed to control materials structure, composition, and morphology over multiple length scales, thus producing nano-porous materials with more accessible surfaces of much higher functionalities and with shorter diffusion distances for greatly enhanced rate capabilities. This presentation will highlight the critical scientific challenges facing the development of a new generation of intermediate-temperature fuel cells for distributed generation, the latest developments in modeling, simulation, and in situ characterization techniques for unraveling charge and mass transport mechanisms, and the outlook for future-generation fuel cells that exploit nano-scale materials of significantly improved performance.
Jagannadh Satyavolu works as Theme Leader, Biomass conversion and Biofuels, Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. Dr. Satyavolu earned his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH and has 30 years of experience in commercial business leadership roles, operations and capital project management, intellectual asset development and management, product and process technology development, industrial application research, and academia. He holds 20 US and international patents and has steered multiple projects from concept to commercialization. Prior to joining Conn Center, he worked at Cargill, Georgia Institute of Technology, Battelle Labs, and the Ohio State University.
Integrated bio-refinery concepts are developed with the ultimate goal of reducing the cost of biofuels. This integrated concept allows for logistic success through an efficient co-product utilization strategy that creates multiple product streams from one source. In a C5 sugar based integrated biorefinery, our earlier work showed that the residual fibers after hydrolysis of agricultural biomass can be used for feed application. In this paper, we discuss the production of high specific surface area containing activated carbon fibers (ACF) as another value added co-product made from the residual fibers. Such ACF can be produced at low cost and are sustainable and renewable. Preliminary testing showed that the ACF produced from residual fiber yielded high surface area with minimal treatment and delivered high performance in energy storage applications such as supercapacitors and Li-S batteries comparable to commercially available ACF.
Chaoyang Jing is the President and Principal Engineer at eMIT, LLC, in Pasadena, California, USA. His research areas include power system analytical tools development, smart grid, and state-of-the-art IT technologies and applications for power system. He has been an Adjunt Professor with Cal Poly Pomona since December 2011. His direct industry experience includes senior/principal power system engineer at Siemens and Oracle. He has about 30 years experience in electric power systems and software engineering. He has served as consultant for Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and involved in multiple key research projects with EPRI and US DOE.
China Southern Power Grid (CSG)has become the world's largest and most complex AC and DC hybrid power grid. The CSG is very complex due to HVDC, FACTS, and other high-voltage power electronic equipment operating characteristics and control strategies. Growing environmental concerns and continuing efforts to reduce dependency on fossil fuel energy resources are bringing renewable energy resources to the generation portfolio of CSG. Among the various renewable resources, wind and solar power are assumed to have the most favorable technical and economic prospects. To be effective, integration of wind and solar energy in power system operations requires a comprehensive approach to simulate the electromagnetic process in great details. The power electronic devices also greatly influence the dynamic characteristics of the grid. With the continuous advancement in power electronics, the increasing number of HVDC and renewable generations that are being built within CSG’s footprint, the need for accurate and intuitive simulation tools becomes more and more important at CSG. CSG developed an Electromagnetic Simulation Program (ESP) which includes an electromagnetic- transient hybrid simulation interface. ESP is able to complete the electromagnetic transient simulation for large scale AC and DC system with large penetration of renewable energy with fast speed and high accuracy. While ESP was being developed, CSG used PSCAD (Power Systems Computer Aided Design) to simulate electromagnetic transients and built all the models using PSCAD. This required tremendous effort. During the course of ESP development, in order to utilize all of the modeling effort asscoiated with PSCAD, an automatic conversion program (ESPCVT) was developed to automatically convert most of the PSCAD transmission model into the ESP model. The most difficult challenge of the conversion is that the PSCAD model is graphically based and the topology information of all elements is realized via the closeness of the coordinates of the element. This paper describes the PSCAD modeling methodology, how to map the PSCAD model into the ESP model, and all the conversion details. This automatic process eliminates the human errors occurring when the data is converted manually. ESPCVT was tested successfully on several systems including a real CSG electromagnetic simulation system of 1390 network nodes and 5133 network branches. Using the converted data, ESP’s simulation results agree with what is obtained using PSCAD.
Katsutoshi Shirasawa
Okinawa Institute of Science and Techonology Graduate University, Japan
Title: Development of a floating ocean-current turbine for the Kuroshio current
Katsutoshi Shirasawa is a staff scientist of the OIST (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University). He received his Ph.D. from Hiroshima University in 2004. His thesis focused on the polarization control using insertion device in soft X-ray region. After graduation, he joined the Japanese X-ray Free Electron Laser project. In 2012, he joined the OIST and started R&D work on an ocean-current turbine.
Ocean currents have an important potential for future renewable energy. Japan is in suitable location for harnessing the power of ocean currents because the Kuroshio ocean current runs steadily near the Japanese seaside. The Kuroshio current is a strong ocean current in the western North Pacific Ocean. The current flow is approximately 500 m deep and 100 km wide with a flow speed of 1—1.5 m/s. This seems to be rather slow flow, but it is sufficient for generating electricity because the water density is 800 times higher than air. In order to harness the kinetic energy of ocean currents, we propose a novel ocean-current turbine. The turbines are moored to the seabed and function like kites in the water flow. To operate a turbine at the middle layer of a marine current, it is necessary to cancel the rotor torque. Therefore, our turbine is designed with a float at the top and a counterweight at the bottom. Owing the buoyancy and gravity, the turbine maintains a stable body. In this presentation, we describe laboratory and at-sea towing experiments and show that results confirm the float and counterweight configuration’s high hydrostatic stability and reliable electric power generation.
Chul-Hee Jo
Inha University, S. Korea
Title: Application of single point mooring concept to ducted tidal current device
Chul Hee Jo has finished his Mater degree at Stevens Institute of Technology, USA and Ph.D at Texas A&M University in 1991. After working for Intec Engineering, Houston USA and Hyundai Heavy Industries, Korea, he has joined to Inha University in Korea. His main research area is tidal current energy and he has been involved in many government advisory bodies and committees in ocean energy policy, development planning and research since 1998. Prof. Jo has been conducted numerous government and industry projects developing tidal current generation system. He is currently the director of the Ocean Energy and Environmental Research Center and the Executive committee member for AWTEC (Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference).
The importance of renewable energy has been increased with the great concern for global climate changes and intranational agreement to reduce the carbon emission. Among various renewable energy sources, the ocean energy has a great potential to substitute the fossil fuel in the future considering the great amount being present in the earth. The tidal energy however is considered as very reliable, sustainable and predictable energy among ocean energies. Even tidal barrage is also very predictable energy, many project over the world have been delayed or cancelled due to the significant environmental impacts. The tidal current power (TPC) is now regarded as the one of best ocean energies with the minimum environment impact. It is ideal to apply TPC in the areas with strong current. As the energy is proportional to cube of current speed, the duct implementation can increase the inflow velocity resulting in higher power production. This approach can extend the application of TPC in relatively low current regions. The effect of duct is dependent on various parameter including its configurations of inlet and outlet, inner and outer diameters, overall length, etc. In this research study, the duct design was optimized for a floating TCP system and the extensive CFD analyses together with the physical model test in a circulating water channel (CWC) are presented. Even the floating concept for TCP can improve the economic feasibility, it is very important to understand the dynamic behavior for various attack flow conditions. The analysis results from the 6 degrees of freedom movement in time domain based on the hydrodynamic coefficients in frequency domain using impulse response function (IRF) method, Orcaflex software and Matlab are introduced in this paper.
Badr Altrahuni
University of Dayton,USA
Title: Predicting residential energy savings using known energy characteristics and historical energy consumption
Currently, Badr Altarhuni is a PhD student at the University of Dayton (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering/Renewable and Clean Energy) with his dissertation titled “Measuring the effectiveness of a home energy reduction program for national deployment”. The objective of this research is to use an expanded set of building characteristic data to predict savings from the adoption of individual measures-based upon actual building data-not on energy models. He also has a Master’s degree in Mechanical Design from University of Tripoli, Tripoli-Libya. , Prior to beginning the PhD program, Badr worked as a lecturer assistant at university of Zawia, Zawia-Libya.
Upgrading and replacing inefficient energy-consuming equipment in both the residential and commercial building sectors offers a great investment opportunity, with significant impacts on economic, climate, and employment. Cost effective retrofits could yield savings of approximately 30 percent of the annual electricity spent in the United States. Energy-saving investments will lead to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. Energy. Further, investment in energy efficiency can create millions direct and indirect jobs throughout the economy for manufacturers and service providers that supply the building industry. Unfortunately, the prediction in savings, which has been generally based upon energy models, has been circumspect, with energy savings typically over-predicted. Investor confidence as a result can degrade. The objective of this study is to use an expanded set of building characteristic data to predict savings from the adoption of individual measures – based upon actual building data – not on energy models. Key to this study will be the use of a large number of buildings / residences for which all energy characteristics are known and for which there is reasonable variation in input parameters. The specific case considered addresses hundreds of student residences owned by the University of Dayton. The housing stock includes houses generally constructed in the early 1900s. Energy saving upgrades have been adopted on many of these houses, but not in a coherent way; thus, this housing set offers a diverse set of energy characteristics. In this study, these energy characteristics have been documented for each house. Historical energy consumption (gas and electric) data for each residence has also been collected. A machine-learning approach is used to correlate energy consumption to the energy characteristics and to account for residential variation. The resulting neural net is used to predict savings associated with a small subset of houses in the study which have already been upgraded from a variety of measures. The estimated savings are compared to the actual savings realized. The results show that the predicted savings match the actual savings within 2.5 percent of the actual savings for most of the measures considered. These results show the potential for establishing larger public databases of building energy characteristics in order to strategically implement energy reduction strategies for greatest energy savings per cost to implement.
S. Kulkarni
Texas A&M University- Kingsville, USA
Title: Review of techniques used in the synthesis of next-generation photo catalysts
S. Kulkarni is currently affiliated to Texas A&M University- Kingsville, USA.
The rapidly increasing demand for sustainable energy source coupled with the need for a green energy has currently called for a heightened global attention, and “Hydrogen Economy” has been considered as a potential solution to this problem. There are several sustainable processes of hydrogen production that have and are being developed. Hydrogen production is currently being carried out by steam reforming of natural gas on an industrial-scale. However, steam methane reforming (SMR) method is again carbon and energy intensive and leads to addition of CO2 to the atmosphere. Splitting of water using renewable energy sources is one of the cleanest techniques of hydrogen production that does not require any additional hydrogen purification. The main challenge in this route being harvesting of renewable energy sources for hydrogen generation in such a way that the energy costs would compare with that of fossil fuels. Direct photolysis of water using light as the source of energy has great potential to overcome the problems associated with hydrogen economy [3]. In this process, a stable molecule of water is split into hydrogen and oxygen using light as the source of energy. A total of 237 KJ/mol of energy is required for the reaction to take place. Apart from the thermodynamic limitations, the kinetic barriers also play a significant role in photolysis. In order to overcome these barriers photocatalysts are required, which reduce the activation energy needed to carry out the chemistry. Some of the nano-photocatalysts used today are metal oxides such as TiO2 and ZrO2, metal sulfides, metal phosphides, sub-nm Au clusters etc. Although several nano-photocatalysts have been developed, more research is required in the design of a robust photocatalyst with high photonic efficiencies and long-term stability. Photocatalysts available today can be activated only by the UV spectrum of the solar irradiation, although it is desired that these catalysts absorb from the wide solar spectra. Recently, cobalt oxide nano-particles have been demonstrated to efficiently split water under visible light irradiation without the use of sacrificial reagents or co-catalysts [4]. This paper reviews the various synthesis techniques available today to design and synthesize various nano-photocatalysts with an emphasis on CoO nano-particle synthesis. This article serves as a prelude to the work on the activation of carbon dioxide at extreme pressures to methane using hydrogen produced by photolysis of water.
Aye Aye Myint
Seoul National University, Korea
Title: Efficient techniques for woody biomass fractionation to enhance enzyme accessibility
![Aye Aye Myint Speaker](
She has completed her PhD in the year of 2004 from the Department of Industrial Chemistry (IC), University of Yangon (YU), Myanmar and postdoctoral studies from School of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE), Seoul National University (SNU), Republic of Korea. She had conducted her PhD reseach work for 3 years and 6 months at the Division of Water Chemistry and Water Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. She had served as a Lecturer, IC, YU for about 15 years, and has been working as a senior researcher at the CBE, SNU since May 2010 to date. She has published 6 papers in reputed journals.
As cellulosic ethanol has achieved economic viability, the development of valuable products aside from biofuels from all main components of woody biomass, including cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, has gained traction. However, refining of woody biomass on industrial scales has not been realized because the accompanying lignin, hemicellulose, and extractives hinder enzyme and microbial degradation. Hence, the development of new fractionation technologies to separate woody biomass into its core components and for the facilitation of research on the production of specific marketable downstream products are of great importance to ensure a profitable biorefineries on the industrial scale. Here, a novel method has been developed for fractionating cellulose microfibrils from forest residue (tulip tree sawdust) to enhance cellulose digestibility, particularly at minimum enzyme loading. This method involved three main stages: selective hemicellulose solubilization by subcritical water (subCW) pretreatment, delignification of the subCW-pretreated solids using the formosolv process, and deformylation/bleaching of the cellulose pulp with alkaline hydrogen peroxide solution. In the subCW pretreatment process, the efficiency of process was assessed by using the severity factor, R0, which describes the combined effect of temperature and time. The chemical composition, physicochemical properties and enzymatic digestibility of the pretreated products can be characterized and strongly correlated with the pretreatment severity. This study clearly showed that the removal of structural barriers to the enzyme attack was the dominant factor affecting enzyme accessibility to the substrate. Additionally, cellulose swelling had the greatest effect on the enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency of delignified pulp obtained by the Formosolv process.
Rodwan Elhashmi
University of Dayton,USA
Title: Cost impactful borehole thermal energy storage for multifamily buildings
Rodwan Elhashmi is a Ph.D. candidate in Mechanical Engineering, and will finish in December, 2016. His research has focused on developing economically feasible deep energy reduction in multifamily residences. Rodwan’s research has involved leveraging unit level real-time or interval metering of power and water consumption. The partner for this research has been SageEnergy in Columbus. Rodwan’s research has involved: optimization of stored solar energy systems to meet all heating and water heating needs in multifamily residences; and aplicaiton of machine learning approaches to both estimate and actualize occupancy-driven energy reduction.
Borehole Thermal Energy Storage (BTES) has slowly emerged in heating dominated regions as a cost effective means to utilize solar energy. A handful of applications worldwide have been reported. In this study, a large-scale BTES system is uniquely designed and developed as a retrofit solution for an apartment complex in the Midwest U.S. Historical interval electrical and water demand data for this site was used to estimate real time heating and hot water demand needed to develop an optimal BTES system. In analyzing the BTES system, normal design considerations associated with the optimal spacing of the boreholes was relaxed in order to potentially develop a more compact BTES that would be needed for retrofit applications. Ultimately, a typically-recommended borehole spacing of 20 feet was not shown to be optimal. In addition, the impact of BTES use on real-time grid demand was considered, in order to quantify the impact of BTES use on grid power cost. The results emerging are striking. The cost-optimal BTES system designed offers an internal rate of return (IRR) of 29.3 % while reducing apartment-wide carbon by 46%. Moreover, were the apartment complex owner to implement this project, they would be able to advertise the apartment as “green”. A higher rental fee would be likely.
- Track 2: Biofuels Track 8: Energy and Environment Track 10: Bioremediation
Session Introduction
Michael Boot
Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Title: New business models for biofuels
![Michael Boot Speaker](
Michael received his MSc. and PhD. degrees from the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology in 2005 and 2010, respectively. In 2009, Michael co-founded Progression-Industry BV to commercialize various automotive technologies in the domains of waste energy recovery and biofuels. From January 2016, Michael was appointed a Fellow at the same University in the field of Designer Fuels.
Transport fuels like gasoline and diesel are typical commodity goods, having flexible prices and numerous traders. The commodity market is the archetypical competitive market, as it is built on the premise that each individual trader is negligible in size compared to the market as a whole and therefore exerts no influence on the market price. In such an environment, consumption tends to correlate negatively with price, with less product typically being consumed when prices are high. For example, the oil crisis of 1970’s prompted the automotive industry to design more fuel efficient vehicles. Conversely, supply is positively correlated with price, seeing more players entering the market when prices soar. The recent fracking revolution in the US being a case in point.
It is notoriously difficult for new entrants to compete in commodity markets as demand is driven primarily by price and incumbent firms have established comfortable economies of scale. In order for a newcomer to avoid head-on competition, it is necessary to identify niche markets and disruptive them with innovative products that address the (latent) needs of said markets. To this end, a popular framework from innovation sciences, namely Blue Ocean Strategy, is applied to the transport fuel market in this study.
Two Blue Oceans, each representing a hithero uncontested marked space, have been identified, with one inhabited by consumers who would buy fuel if only the price were lower, while the other comprises more upmarket consumers who are less sentive to price.To serve these niche markets, both a low- and high-end disruptive biofuel, have been reversed engineered, respectively. Both are based on aromatic oxygenates, compounds which can be produced from lignocellulosic biomass and have been found to perform well in both compression- and spark-ignition engines.
![Usha Rani Asupatri Speaker](
Prof. A. Usha Rani has completed her Ph.D at the age of 27 years from Sri Venkateswara University and Post doctoral studies with award of Research Associate fellowship from University Grants Commission (UGC) and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. She is a senior faculty of the Dept. of Zoology Heading the Division of Environmental Biology and an active researcher. She has published more than 53 research papers in reputed journals and presented her work at several National and International conferences in India and Abroad. She is Fellow of the National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi.
Cadmium (Cd) is one of the most common non-essential heavy metal causing wide range of toxic effects. The present study examines the detoxification role of zinc (Zn) and selenium (Se) against Cd induced bioaccumulation and oxidative stress in fresh water teleost Oreochromis mossambicus. After acclimatization, fish were exposed to sub lethal concentration of Cd (1/10th of LC50/48h, i.e., 5ppm) for 7, 15 and 30 days (d) period. 15d Cd exposed fish were later considered as control and were divided into three groups. The first group were subjected to Zn (1ppm) supplementation, second received only Se (0.5ppm) and third group of fish were supplemented with combination of both Zn and Se for above said concentrations and tested again for 7, 15 and 30d time periods. After specific time intervals, liver and kidney tissues were isolated and used for Cd bioaccumulation as well as assay of oxidative stress enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST). Lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels were also measured. Bioaccumulation levels significantly increased with increased period of Cd exposure. After supplementation with Zn and Se, bioaccumulation of Cd progressively decreased. A significant elevation in LPO levels with decreased activity of CAT, SOD, GPx and GST were observed during Cd intoxication. However with Zn and/or Se supplementation, a significant reversal in the above oxidative stress enzymes was observed. Our study revealed that the combined supplementation of Zn and Se tends to detoxify the Cd induced alterations in the test tissues better than the other modes of supplementation.
Tom Granström
St1 Biofuels Oy, Finland
Title: St1 Cellunolixâ„¢ bioethanol demonstration plant process is based on softwood as a raw material
![Tom Granström Speaker](
Tom Granström has acquired his expertise in bioprocess engineering both in academia and industry. He has been studying and developing production technologies for advanced biofuels, organic acids and chemicals from lignocellulose, biowaste and starch based feed stocks. Focus areas include lignocellulose biomass pretreatment, enzyme technology, fermentation, downstream processing, biogas production. Author of over 50 peer reviewed scientific articles, several book chapters, patents/patent applications, posters and public speeches.
St1 has built the first-of-a-kind-commercial softwood demonstration plant with the annual output of 10 ML of bioethanol in Finland. The main unit operations of St1 Cellunolix™ process are steam explosion, enzyme hydrolysis, yeast fermentation, lignin separation, turpentine and furfural recovery and waste water treatment. Lignin and evaporation residues are fed into the boiler plant. The process utilizes softwood saw dust transported from the local mills. The saw dust is a natural choice for a raw material since 75 % of the Finnish landscape is covered by wood. Softwood has an advantage of composing mainly C6 sugars enabling the use of conventional yeast fermentation. Enzyme hydrolysis and fermentation has been exclusively optimized to the pretreated softwood taking into consideration the recalcitrance of raw material and fermentation inhibitors generated. Furthermore, by upgrading the side streams the cost effectiveness of the St1 Cellunolix™ process can be increased significantly. The experiences running the demonstration plant are utilized in the 50 ML plant that will be planned next. The future process includes upgrading the lignin stream into more valuable products such as plasticizers, biofuel components or energy products. The economy of using simultaneous saccharification and fermentation and high gravity fermentation will be studied further. Recirculation of process waters and working with higher total solids concentration throughout the process will be assessed further. Finally, the raw material base will be extended to other lignocellulose material available in Nordic countries and outside Europe.
St1 is a privately owned Finnish based energy company running its own retail station chain and an oil refinery in Sweden. The revenues generated from the fossil fuel business are invested into different forms of renewable energy including wind, geothermal, biogas and bioethanol. St1 is investing on research to reduce CO2 emissions by using only wood industry waste and residues as raw materials in all renewable energy processes. Currently, the three main processes are using food based reject waste (Etanolix™), separately collected biowaste (Bionolix™) and lignocellulose waste (Cellunolix™). St1 operates 1500 retail stations in the three countries and distributes all the produced bioethanol through its own channels.
Ernest Ohene Nkansah
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Title: Comprehensive evaluation of biochar application in rice production in Ghana
![Ernest Ohene Nkansah Speaker](
Ernest Ohene Nkansah is an Agricultural Engineer at the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana and is currently on a Government Scholarship for a Master’s degree program in Environmental Science in Japan. He has a publication with the Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America to his credit and is an award winner for Ghana during a training course in China on the treatment and utilization of agricultural waste for African English speaking countries in 2014.
In the face of the dual challenge to mitigate global climate change and ensure food security for the growing global population, biochar promises to be an option for curbing these challenges. This is due to its properties like: enhancement of soil fertility and crop productivity, soil water retention and carbon sequestration. As a new technology, the introduction of biochar into farming faces lots of challenges and uncertainty. Biochar is a carbonaceous substance and a type of charcoal created through pyrolysis of biomass which is produced with the intent to apply to soil for agricultural and environmental management. Despite the multifaceted benefits obtained from biochar, there is inadequate work on the profitability and feasibility of the technology especially in developing countries primarily due to its cost of implementation. Farmers and other stakeholders therefore have little interest in investing or buying into the technology due to inadequate information on the profitability and risks involved. Biochar advocates therefore need to give a convincing argument to farmers about the benefits of biochar application in agronomy. This research therefore seeks to compare the social and private cost against their respective benefits in a cost benefit analysis to confirm feasibility of the technology in Ghana. Based on the results obtained policy options will be suggested for sustainable and effective implementation of the technology.
Robel Berhane Habtemariam
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Title: Investigation on development of wind and PV power with hydro pumped storage to increase renewable energy penetration: a parallel analysis of Taiwan and Greece
![Robel Berhane Habtemariam Speaker](
Robel Berhane Habtemariam is a Master’s student at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in the department of China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable energy (ICARE). Wuhan, China. His current research interest is on Renewable energy resources assessment and simulation. As part of his studies, he has been to Greece to participate the internship program organized by the collaboration of ICARE and National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). He is conducting his research activity under the guidance of Dr. Yi Pengxing and Dr. George Caralis.
Globally, wind energy and photovoltaics (PV) solar energy are among the leading renewable energy sources (RES) in terms of installed capacity. In order to increase the contribution of RES to the power supply system, large scale energy integration is required, mainly due to wind energy and PV.
In this paper an investigation has been made on the electrical power supply systems of Taiwan and Greece in order to integrate high level of wind and photovoltaic (PV) to increase the penetration of renewable energy resources. Currently, both countries heavily depend on fossil fuels to meet the demand and to generate adequate electricity. Therefore, this study is carried out to look into the two cases power supply system by developing a methodology that includes major power units. To address the analysis, an approach for simulation of power systems is formulated and applied. The simulation is based on the non-dynamic analysis of the electrical system. This simulation results in calculating the energy contribution of different types of power units; namely the wind, PV, non-flexible and flexible power units. The calculation is done for three different scenarios (2020, 2030, & 2050), where the first two scenarios are based on national targets and scenario 2050 is a reflection of ambitious global targets. By 2030 in Taiwan, the input of non-renewables is still significant, however, in Greece, much higher renewable energy contribution is observed for the same scenario. Moreover, it examines the ability of the power systems to deal with the variable nature of wind and PV generation. For this reason, an investigation has also been done on the use of the combined wind power with pumped storage systems (WPS) to enable the system to exploit the curtailed wind energy & surplus PV and thus increase the wind and PV installed capacity and replace the peak supply by conventional power units. Results show that the feasibility of pumped storage can be justified in the high scenario (that is the scenario of 2050) of RES integration, especially in the case of Greece.
Gombojav Delgermaa
The University of Kitakyushu, Japan
Title: Household recyclables estimation for improving waste management in ulaanbaatar city
![Gombojav Delgermaa Speaker](
Gombojav Delgermaa has awarded Bachelor of Management in Eco tourism from the International Tourism Management Institute of Mongolia in 2002. From 2002 until 2008, she worked as a research assistant in the Department of Environment of the International Tourism Management Institute of Mongolia. From 2008 until 2011, she was an Expert of Environmental Protection Association of Mongolia. She received her Master Degree in Enviromental Engineering from the University of Kitakyushu of Japan in 2016. Mrs. Delgermaa’s research area is recycling mamagement and municipal solid waste management.
The aim of this paper is to estimate and analyze recyclable waste amount, determine distinctive features and recyclable waste flow of households for improving waste management system in Ulaanbaatar city. Recyclable waste amount to be sold, daily burnt waste, illegal waste and municipal waste flow were estimated based on the direct interview with the citizens and questionnaire surveys.
The study was carried out based on two methods for collecting data, a questionnaire survey and interviews of residents, industrial sites and companies, and identification of waste amounts and types in 18 households. The questionnaire survey was conducted among 400 households.
The findings of this study shows that although the total amount of households in ger (the traditional tent) area is six times larger than the waste generated by the households in apartment area, there was no any differences of monthly waste fees between ger and apartment households. Totally 2.63 tons of toxic waste produced every day and air emissions from backyard burning in ger households are released directly to the atmosphere without being treated. The maximum illegal waste amount (152 ton) occurs in winter season, due to the coal ash (122 ton) generated by the ger households. This has led to severe environmental pollution. The study suggests that the coal ash should be recycled and the waste amount to be transported between households and landfill sites could be reduced with 8.1%.
Emine Cagla Cilingir
Hacettepe University, Turkey
Title: An overview of biogas production from poultry manure
![Emine Cagla Cilingir Speaker](
Ms. Cagla Cilingir is a research assistant of environmental engineering at the Hacettepe University of Ankara, Turkey. She received her bachelor’s degrees from Istanbul University and she is a master student at the Hacettepe University. Her thesis is about the alternative production mechanism of volatile organic components. Her research interests include the recovery and reuse of agricultural, municipal, and industrial waste products.
The increasing demand for energy industry and losing sustainability of fossil fuels has lead the world to find alternative energy sources. This trend has enables renewable energy sources to replace conventional energy sources. Today, with the search for renewable energy sources, by extending its meaning, the concept of waste has begun to take place in the energy sector as a raw material. For this purpose, the application of using methane, which is obtained by the biodegradation of renewable materials, for producing heat, electricity and fuel is becoming widespread. Wood, coal, animal waste, agricultural waste and other fuels that are derived from biological sources are used for the application of biogas obtained using renewable sources. Nowadays, animal waste is the most commonly used renewable material which has the characteristics of waste. With the aim of decreasing the effects of climate change and other environmental adverse effects that are generated from other waste, the application of utilization of animal waste for biogas production is applied frequently worldwide , especially in rural areas. Livestock sector, which generates the most important source of income of rural areas, necessitates turning to waste minimization. Also, poultry sector constitutes one of the most important part of the livestock sector. Rapid development of poultry sector accelerates the orientation of manufacturers’ biogas production. This paper reports on the method of application of biogas production from poultry waste. Furthermore, by means of statistics data and considering the number of poultry animals and various criteria, the amount of waste originating from poultry sectors in was calculated worldwide. Based on amount of waste, potential biogas production worldwide and the amount of energy equivalence were calculated. Considering the findings, to what extent it will benefit the energy sector was mentioned. Lastly, how poultry manure, when applied with different manure as co-digestion, contributed to the energy sector was emphasized.
Joanna Kulczycka
Polish Acadmey of Sciences, Poland
Title: Novel trends in recycling and WEEE management
![Joanna Kulczycka Speaker](
Joanna Kulczycka is a Professor at AGH University of Mining and Metallurgy, Faculty of Management and also Head of Department of Strategic Research at Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences MEERI. She has authored of over 100 publications including 1st book about LCA in Polish, 1st Polish Minerals Yearbook, and more than 40 scientific research articles on possibilities and effectiveness of material recovery, economic evaluation of minerals and waste management, and pre-feasibility and feasibility studies.
Within the EU, the Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment Regulations (WEEE) is intended to reduce the amount of e-waste being disposed of and require EEE producers to pay for its reuse, recycling and recovery. In the EU-28, it is estimated that 25% of the mass of WEEE produced is collected and processed, and the remaining 75% is not recorded. The paper presents new trends in recycling and waste management, including an analysis of the technological, legal, ecological and market aspects, focusing on recovery of non-energy raw materials. WEEE contains many valuable metals, that can be recycled, and could provide a great amount of secondary resources for remanufacture, refurbishment and recycling – some technological case studies will be presented taking into account new trends connected with the development of circular economy strategy - EU Commission has declared that, it will demonstrate the opportunities for moving towards a circular economy under the EU Research and Innovation Programme. The market for the recovery of WEEE is growing steadily, mainly due to the activity of SMEs, however the existing system of waste collection with Extened Producers Responsibility (EPR) based on EU regulation, required some improvments to boost recovery and recycling of valuable materials. Additionaly, main challenge in e-waste management is curbing illegal shipments and making sure that WEEE is collected and properly treated within recycling infrastructure. Other barriers and challenges of the e-waste management system in EU countries will be also identified.
Maria Atongajua
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Cameroon
Title: Plastic recycling in Douala, Cameroon
![Maria Atongajua Speaker](
MARIA ATONGAJUA Maria is a final -year M.Sc. candidate in Natural Resource, and Environmental Management at the University of Buea, Cameroon. Prior to arriving at University of Buea, I was involved with research at International institute of tropical Agriculture, Cameroon Station,(IITA) , with a focus on agricultural waste Management and recycling . I am a 2010,2011 and 2014 recipient of the presidential award /Scholarship, and I earned my bachelor’s degree in Education Geography from the University of Buea , Cameroon, in 2011. My Research involves integrated waste management in agriculture, REDD+ / climate change, land use/ Remote Sensing and Environmental Management.
The economic growth, changing consumption and production patterns have resulted into rapid increase in generation and use of plastics in the Cameroon. The Cameroon annual consumption of plastic materials has increased tremendously between 1990 to 2013. This implies that more resources are needed to meet the increased demand of plastic, and more plastic waste is being generated. In Douala alone, plastic consumption has increased much more than the other region due to rapid urbanization and economic development. Due to the increase in generation, waste plastics are becoming a major stream in solid waste. After food waste and paper waste, plastic waste is the third major constituent at municipal and industrial waste in the Cameroon. Even the rural communities in Cameroon with low economic growth have started producing more plastic waste due to increased use of plastic packaging, plastic shopping bags, PET bottles and other goods/appliances using plastic as the major component. This increase has turned into a major challenge for The Cameroon Ministry of Environment, and Nature Protection is responsible for solid waste management and sanitation. Due to lack of integrated solid waste management, most of the plastic waste is neither collected properly nor disposed of in appropriate manner to avoid its negative impacts on environment and public health and waste plastics are causing littering and choking of sewerage system. Due to extremely long periods required for natural decomposition, waste plastic is often the most visible component in waste dumps and open landfills in the Cameroon. Hence plastic waste recycling can provide an opportunity to collect and dispose of plastic waste in the most environmental friendly way and it can be converted into a useful energy. In most of the situations, plastic waste recycling could also be economically viable, as it generates resources, which are in high demand. Plastic waste recycling also has a great potential for resource conservation and GHG emissions reduction, such as producing fuel from plastic waste. This resource conservation goal is very important for The Cameroon govern, where rapid industrialization and economic development is putting a lot of pressure on natural resources.
Jayesh M. Sonawane
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Title: Graphene: a promising electrode for microbial fuel cells
![Jayesh M. Sonawane Speaker](
Jayesh is research scholar from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India and Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. He is working on bio-electrochemical system viz, power generation from microbial fuel cells, hydrogen generation from waste organic matter. Jayesh has wide research interest. He has filled patent on air conditioning technology and advanced water purification. Recently he has awarded Gandhian Young Technological Innovation award. He is also working for modernization of Indian railway with central railway.
Microbial fuel cells (MFC`s) are promising sustainable technology for electricity production from waste organic matter. The anode employed for this purpose plays a major role in the performance of the MFC system. The coating of graphene on stainless steel has been investigated in this study for improving the performance of an anode in a MFC system. The use of graphene coating on a stainless steel (SS-316) plate produced a maximum power density of 201mWm-2, while a bare stainless steel plate only gave a maximum power density of 100mWm-2. The use of graphene coating on copper foil gave even higher maximum power density of 262 mW/m-2. The maximum open circuit potentials observed were 0.95 V, 1.0 V and 1.12 V for SS anode, SS anode with graphene and copper foil with graphene, respectively. The system internal resistance of pristine stainless steel, grapheme - stainless steel and copper – graphene anodes were 43±4Ω, 42±1Ω and 36±5Ω, respectively.
Solomon Ofori
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Title: Determination of the viability of landfill gas to energy in Africa: The case of Ghana
![Solomon Ofori Speaker](
Solomon Ofori is a final year student of the MSc. Air Quality Control, Solid Waste and Wastewater Process Engineering (WASTE) programme of the University of Stuttgart, Germany. His research interest areas include but not limited to landfill gas utilization and management, emission measurement and management from waste treatment facilities, climate change and mitigation, municipal and industrial wastewater treatment and sustainable solid waste management.
Landfilling is a common practice in Ghana. Almost all the existing landfills have no or non-functioning landfill gas collection or flaring systems, resulting in the emission of tonnes of landfill gas (greenhouse gases) into the atmosphere annually. This study uses Ghana as a case study for Africa to determine the viability of landfill gas to energy technology, an approach that holds great promise to reducing methane emissions and ensuring energy recovery from waste. Through reviewing of existing literatures the needed data were obtained and also the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change spreadsheet model was used in the estimation of methane generation from fills. The study showed a continuous increase in methane generation since 1950 with the least being 4Gg and the highest being 55Gg. The lowest amount of methane produced corresponds to 6.1 million m3, having the capacity of producing over 8000MWh electricity annually. Internal combustion engines (IC) are the most suitable landfill gas to energy technology option for Ghana. Their suitability stems from the fact that the cost of price per installed kilowatt is relatively cheaper, have relatively higher efficiency, and lower cost of operation and maintenance. A total of US$ 3.4 million was estimated as the installation cost for a 2MW IC engine with an annual operation and maintenance cost of $360,000 and annual cost recovery of $780,778. The study also revealed that the country is endowed with experts capable of providing the needed technical support in designing, construction and operation of the system but further training may be needed to improve their efficiency. Considering the methane generation rate, cost of the technology and other parameters, the study concludes that landfill gas to energy generation in Ghana is viable and recommends a pilot project to be set up before a nationwide implementation.
Juniours Marire
Rhodes University, South Africa
Title: Multidimensional analysis of water governance poverty in the South African corporate sector
![Juniours Marire Speaker](
Juniours has completed his PhD at the age of 37 years from Rhodes University, South Africa. He is a lecturer in the Economics Department. He has published more than 5 papers in refreed journals and has been serving as a reviewer in a number of journals.
The paper measured and analysed multidimensional water governance poverty in corporate South Africa. It was important to carry out this research because South Africa is experiencing severe physical and economic water scarcity, with water deficits expected to reach three billion m3 by 2030. This would constrain the attainment of development and growth goals. Using the Alkire-Foster adjusted head count ratio (a multidimensional poverty measure), the paper found that corporate South Africa is multidimensionally poor in water governance terms, with lack of water governance institutions and failure to perceive water security issues correctly being the predominant dimensions of the poverty. The overall levels of multidimensional water governance poverty were at least 70% across all sectors – water risk sensitive or not and water intensive or not. The paper recommends effectively enforced mandatory disclosure structures and practices in addition to voluntary disclosure practices.
Tadesse Getahun
Jimma University, Ethiopia
Title: Effect of non-compostable contaminants on composting of organic municipal solid waste at different turning frequencies
![Tadesse Getahun Speaker](
Tadesse Getahun is Assistant prof. of hazardous and solid waste management in the Department of Environmental Health Science and Technology in Jimma University, Ethiopia. He also serves as an adviser for student research projects (MSc and PhD program). He is environmental science professional. He did his PhD study in Catholieke University of Leuven, Belgium, on Sustainable management of solid waste in medium-sized urban centers in east Africa: a case study in Jimma, Ethiopia. He also did his Msc on Land Ecology in International Training Centre, The Netherlands. He conducted several researches on municipal solid waste and published them on internationally recognized journals. He is also winner of the African Interpreunership award 2015 in the category of Environment.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of plastics and metallic bottle caps as contaminants on composting and compost quality. 7% waste plastics and 2% bottle caps were deliberately added to sorted compostable waste as contaminants, and the compost quality was compared with the quality of compost derived from non-contaminated organic waste, and from non-sorted municipal waste containing a significant fraction of organic material. It was found that the maturation time of the composting process was longer for contaminated organic waste, but the quality of the compost was sufficient in all cases. In some conditions, positive effects on the compost quality were even observed. The total carbon content was found to be higher in the finished product of composting with 7% plastic contaminants (22.7%) than in any of the other composting conditions, while a higher concentration of total nitrogen was produced in unsorted municipal waste turned twice a month (2.10%), and in organic waste with plastic contaminants (1.22%). This is postulated to be due to a lower loss of nutrients as CO2 and NH3.
The concentration of heavy metals measured in composting with plastic contaminants was lower than for composting of sorted and unsorted municipal waste, while it was higher in composting with 2% metallic bottle caps than the reference (either sorted or unsorted municipal waste), turned twice a month. Nevertheless, all metal concentrations were within the acceptable range as indicated by the Canadian Standards for Compost Products.
Mohammad Ali Takassi
Petroleum University of Technology, Ahwaz, Iran
Title: Recycling CO2 as a sustainable source of energy for power plants
![Mohammad Ali Takassi Speaker](
Mohammad Ali Takassi has obtained his Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the University of Mississippi, Oxford Mississippi. He worked as post-doctoral research associate for one year at Sothern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. He is currently professor of chemistry and chair, the department of science, Petroleum University of Technology, Ahwaz, Iran.
Environment friendly energy and alternative energy are major area of research for sustainable energy development. CO2 can convert into synthesis gas which it may be used as fuel in power plants. CO2 reforming of methane and CO2 hydrogenation reactions are shown in Eqs 1, 2:
CH4 + CO2 → 2CO + 2H2 (1)
CO2 + H2 ↔ CO + H2O (2)
Most power plants are operated by fossil fuel; they produce millions of tons CO2 annually. Combustion of fossil fuel is shown in Eq. 3.
Fuel + nO2 → mCO2 + pH2O + energy (3)
In present study iron-molybdenum/zirconia and cobalt-molybdenum/γ-alumina catalysts were prepared. The activity of Fe-Mo/ZrO2 nano catalyst was studied for CO2 reforming of methane in a fixed bed reactor. The effect of reaction temperatures on CH4 conversion was investigated with CH4:CO2 ratio of 1:1 and total feed rate 30000 mL.h-1(g cat)-1. The stability experiment for Fe-Mo/ZrO2 catalyst was conducted at 873ok for 30 hours. 82% conversion of methane was recorded at 1073ok. The activity of Co-Mo/γ-Al2O3 catalyst was studied for hydrogenation of carbon dioxide. Kinetic property of this catalyst was studied in a batch reactor at a temperature of 823ok and at a pressure of 12 bars, with CO2: H2 1:3 ratio. The stability experiments were carried out in a fixed bed reactor. Using this catalyst, CO2 was converted into CO (63%) and CH4 less than 1% in twenty minutes of reaction time. These two reactions of CO2 could recycle CO2 as fuel for power plants.
Ikhumetse agatha abamhekhelu
Federal University of Technology, Nigeria
Title: Comparative study of the bio sorption potential of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and micrococcus lutes on Lead and Chromium
![Ikhumetse agatha abamhekhelu Speaker](
Ikhumetse agatha abamhekhelu, is a Masters student in Environmental Microbiology, working under the supervision of Dr. O.P. Abioye, in the Department of Microbiology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria. Her research interests include Bioremediation, Public health, Occupational safety and Molecular Biology. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology from the University of Benin, Nigeria. She also currently works for ESMCS-ETISALAT, Nigeria, as a Customer Relation Officer. Her current work focuses on the use of microorganisms in the remediation of polluted water samples.
The study was conducted to examine the metal biosorbing ability of Lead and chromium-resistant bacteria isolated from water samples collected from Shikira Community, Rafi Local Government Area, Niger State, Nigeria. Bacterial isolates were screened for heavy metal tolerance by cultivating on nutrient broth supplemented with 5.50 mg/L lead concentration and 3.0 mg/L chromium concentration. Based on the result of heavy metal screening, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Micrococcus luteus were then selected and inoculated to determine their potential for biosorption of lead and chromium from two different water sources viz. borehole and hand-dug well. Biosorption study was conducted for a period of 28 days, after which the bacterial cells were separated from solutions by centrifugation and the supernatants were analyzed for residual metals in solution using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The effect of pH on the biosorption potential of the bacterial isolates was also determined. The optimum removal efficiency of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was 99.73 % for lead and 95.84 % for chromium at pH 2.8, while the optimum removal efficiency of Micrococcus luteus was 98.21 % for lead at pH 4.2, and 90.13 % for chromium at pH 4.7. The present study indicates that Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Micrococcus luteus removes lead and chromium efficiently from heavy metal-contaminated water, and therefore can be exploited for further research with reference to treatment of water contaminated with heavy metals.
Ashoke Karmokar
Bridgestone Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Title: Scrap tires: Diversified technology portfolio for the application of recycled rubber materials
![Ashoke Karmokar Speaker](
ASHOKE KARMOKAR is currently a Fellow (Manager) in the Innovation Division of Birdestone Corporation. He completed B. Sc. (Tech) graduation degree from Calcutta University in 1985 and M. Text post-graduation degree from Bombay University in 1988. He joined Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi as Research Scholar and spent about 3 years before shifting to Japan for higher studies in 1991. He received Dr. Eng. degree from the Faculty of Technology of Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Japan in 1996 and then served as Assistant Professor in the same University for over 3 years. He joined Technical Center of Bridgestone Corporation, Japan in 1999 for research and development of various environmentally friendly technologies. He promoted to Fellow (Manager) position in 2009 and worked all along in the Central Research Division before moving to Innovation Division in 2015. Among others, he published several technical papers and received environmental award from the academic society.
Scrap tires constitute a large volume of solid waste in many countries. As per the scrap tires management scenario available in many parts of the world, the share of material recycling sector s very limited though a high percentage of scrap tires generated is being recycled1. With the aim of increasing the share of scrap tires in material recycling sector, attempt has been made to explore the use of scrap tire derived materials as geomaterials in civil and/or geotechnical engineering applications2-3. The present paper deals with with the research studies on developing cement treated clay-rubber geomaterials, including acorresponding field trial undertaken in Japan.
Laboratory studies have shown that the mixing of scrap tires derived granulated rubber offers an effective means of improving toughness (ductility) of cement treated clay while maintaining the very low permeability characteristics. X-ray CT scan4 on cement treated clay rubber specimens under unconfined compression condition has shown that cracks only appear around the rubber grain after reaching peak stress. This may be attributed to the fact of differences in Poisson’s ratios of rubber grain and cement treated clay Minute cracks thosedeveloped successively around the rubber grain have prevented the growth of wide cracks as opposed to the cement treated clay, and thus enabling their use in structures where deformation is anticipated.
In line with our findings, a field trial5 on the barrier wall design of a sea-bed disposal site at Tokyo bay, Japan has been conducted An important aspect laid for the design was to minimize barrier foundation breakage in the case of serious deformation of the revetment. Cement treated clay-rubber was applied at the barrier wall foundation of the sea-bed disposal site upon mixing dredged clay retrieved from the sea-bed of the construction site, cement and scrap tire derived rubber grains. About 80 tons of rub er grains with a size range of 1-3mm were used in this case study.
A Ramesh
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Title: Biogas – straight vegetable oil dual fuel engine for decentralized power generation in remote rural areas
![A Ramesh Speaker](
A. Ramesh is a chair professor of mechanical engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. He has over 26 years of teaching, research and industrial experience and has over 130 research publications. His research interests include renewable fuels, gasoline direct injection, homogeneous charge compression ignition, engine management, new and innovative engine designs. He has undertaken several projects for leading automotive industries and government agencies. His development activities have resulted in devices for which patents have been obtained or applied. J. Narayana Reddy obtained his M.S by research from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. He then worked in M/s Mahindra and Mahindra before joining the engine R and D of M/s Ashok Leyland, which is a leading truck manufacturing company in India. He has published research papers in the area of alternate fuels and his interests include alternative fuels, engine emission control and engine design.
Biogas can be produced by anaerobic digestion of a variety of biomass along with simultaneous generation of fertilizer [1]. Thus it is a very viable fuel for rural decentralized power production using internal combustion engines. Biogas is normally used in dual fuel engines wherein a small amount of diesel or biodiesel can used as the ignition source [2-4]. This experimental work demonstrates that straight vegetable oil - biogas dual fuel combination with engine modifications can enable power production using completely renewable fuels that are locally available in rural areas with little or no post processing. Biogas the main fuel was inducted along with air in a diesel while a small amount of Jatropha oil was injected for ignition.
Experiments were conducted under different load conditions while the biogas to Jatropha oil ratio was changed to study its effect. Advancing the injection timing for compensating for the increased ignition delay of jatropha oil along with biogas induction and increasing the injection rate to enhance atomization of the highly viscous vegetable oil resulted in improvements (Fig.1). Thermal efficiency was enhanced; smoke and HC emissions were reduced. The low flame speed of biogas due to the high CO2 [5] was increased by intensifying the air swirl which elevated the combustion rate and further lowered HC emission (Fig.2 and 3). On the whole the biogas – Jatropha dual fuel mode of operation with simple engine modifications opens a new way to produce decentralized power from available renewable sources for rural areas. Detailed experimental results of performance, emissions like HC, CO, NO, smoke and combustion parameters like heat release rate and rate of pressure rise will be presented and discussed in the paper. Comparisons of the experimental results will be made with the conventional biogas – diesel dual fuel mode.
- Track 4: Energy conservation Track 5: Green Economy Nano Environmental Technologies
Session Introduction
Marcoaurelio Almenara Rodrigues
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Title: Evaluation of chlorella sorokiniana mixotrophic growth using xylose as a carbon source
![Marcoaurelio Almenara Rodrigues Speaker](
Prof. Dr. Marcoaurelio Almenara Rodrigues has Bachelor Degree in Industrial Chemistry from Catholic Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro, Master’s and Doctorate degrees at Biochemistry (Photosynthesis) from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and King’s College London (Sandwich Doctorate). Has experience in Biochemistry, Photosynthesis and Photoinhibition, Plant Biotechnology, acting on the following subjects: Chemical Education, Biochemistry, Green algae, Photosynthesis of Chlorella, Biomass processing, Biorefinery, Ethanol of third generation. Recently was engaged in a post-doctoral training in algal and lignocellulosic biomass processing at the National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, Lisbon, Portugal..
Microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms that may grow mixo or heterotrophically with higher biomass yield be used for the production of biofuels and high value compounds such as pigments and polyunsaturated fatty acids without direct competition for land, water and crop production. Cheap organic compounds, such as glycerol, acetate and xylose, a byproduct of the sugar cane bagasse pretreatments, can be used as carbon source. In this work it was evaluated the ability of Chlorella sorokiniana to grow mixotrophically using xylose as organic carbon source. Cells were grown in orbital shaker for 13 days under 50 µmol photons·m-2·s-1 irradiance at 30ËšC in Bold’s Basal Medium containing 25 mg/mL chloramphenicol, 100 mg/mL penicillin and 20 mg/mL sodium acetate to control contamination by bacteria and fungi respectively. Cell growth was followed by cell counting and xylose was added at the medium culture at the beginning (single batch) at the sixth day of growth (fed batch). Xylose consumption was determined by measuring the residual reducing sugar by the DNS method. As control, cells were grown photoautotrophically under the same conditions. Cells under mixotrophic growth showed two exponential phases. The first showed the same specific rate of growth of 0.9 d-1 observed for the photoautotrophic growth. However, the second phase showed respectively specific rate of growth of 0.6 d-1 and 0.4 d-1 for single and fed batches, and their final biomass yields were 3.2 and 4.0 fold higher than that obtained for the photoautotrophic growth. The influence of acetate on the growth is being investigated.
Juan Carlos Arteaga-Arcos
Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, Mexico
Title: Thermal performance of a concrete-metamaterial added with micro-sized carbon particles for thermal insulation purposes
![Juan Carlos Arteaga-Arcos Speaker](
Juan Carlos Arteaga-Arcos is a Civil Engineer and got his PhD with major in material sciences in 2010. Since February 2011 he is an assistant professor at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico in the School of Sciences. His expertise areas and interests are regarding cementitious and ceramic materials and topics related with sustainability, energy savings, optimization of process, reutilization of industrial by-products, biomaterials, and rheology behavior of fluids. He is member of the CONACyT-National Research System in México.
Buildings and houses are designed to provide comfortable environments to human beings; in extreme climates, this comfort is strongly related to the thermal performance in closed rooms which can be controlled either by mechanical heating, or air-conditioning systems as needed. All these systems are associated with energy consumption. Thermal insulation is one of the most feasible strategies used worldwide in order to achieve improved energy efficiency and specific comfort levels, especially in buildings and dwellings; these kind of buildings are responsible of the consumption of about 49% of primary energy and the emission of approximately 57% of the greenhouse gases into the USA territory. In China, the percentage of energy spent by dwellings ranges 25- 40% of the total consumption of the country. A metamaterial can be defined as a tailoring designed engineering material not found in nature with specific performance. In this research work we present the thermal characterization of a concrete-metamaterial modified with carbon micro-sized particles in order to control the thermal performance of concrete plates. We replaced cement by carbon at different percentages (10%, 15% and 20%), were a nonlinear behavior of the thermal performance was observed. The results presented herein are intended for increase the efficiency of heat transportation into the concrete for thermal insulation purposes.
Fernando Júnior Resende Mascarenhas
Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Title: Green growth: a path for a more sustainable word
![Fernando Júnior Resende Mascarenhas Speaker](
Fernando Júnior Resende Mascarenhas is Civil Engineering Undergraduate Student at Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas), in Brazil. He was exchange student twice with scholarship. The first time he participated of the Brazilian Scholarship Program “Science Without Bordes” (SwB), and he studied at the University of Toronto, in Canada, during 16 months, from September of 2013 until December of 2014. The second time, he participated of the Canadian Scholarship “Emerging Leaders in America Program” (ELAP), and he made research at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, during 4 months, from January until May of 2016.
The Industrial Revolution raised the world to a new economic and consuming development model. Although it has created beneficial consequences to the society, this economic standard is currently saturated because it has caused unemployment, poverty and environmental degradation. The current world demands a more suitable and efficient model that addresses its requirements and limitations. Overcoming these challenges can be possible through green growth. Green growth is basically an economic tool whose main objectives are to integrate a technological, economic and social development with the most adequate use of natural resources. Strategies and policies are fundamental to make that greener growth occurs, and public and private sectors of the society must work together. Public policies, educational campaigns, investments in innovation and technology and the adoption of the most appropriate strategy for each country’s development standard is crucial. Three countries with green growth programs and initiatives need to be highline: Chile, Korea and Germany. Furthermore, qualified professionals are required to lead the necessary transformations and to, indeed, build more sustainable cities, and those professionals are the Civil Engineers. They are fundamental in leading these transformations. They are the professionals who will design and build more economic and environmental efficient buildings and cities paying special attention in areas such as transportation, energy resources and water and wastewater treatment plants. Thus, green growth is necessary to modernize the local and worldwide economy raising sustainable policies and business based on the financial commitment of public and private sectors on the creation and application of legislations. Moreover, the international cooperation such as the exchange of knowledge and information will produce more innovations and technologies.