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Eshagh Yazdnahsenas

Eshagh Yazdnahsenas

Global Engineering Solutions USA

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Kingston University, London UK

Esam Elsarrag

Esam Elsarrag

Research and Development- at the Gulf Organisation Qatar

Annarita Salladini

Annarita Salladini

Processi Innovativi srl Italy

Peter Novak

Peter Novak

University of Ljubljana Slovenia

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María del P. Pablo-Romero

University of Seville Spain

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David Tudiwer

Vienna University of Technology Austria

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Renato O. Arazo

University of Science and Technology Philippines

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About Green Energy 2019

Conference series LLC Ltd welcomes you to attend the Congress on Green Energy during april 1, 2019 at Amsterdam, Netherlands. The relative novel nature of the conference is to bring the advancement in the field of utilization of natural resources. We cordially invite all the participants interested in sharing their knowledge and research in the arena of renewable energy and environmental sciences.

Green Energy Congress 2019 is the integration of new technologies in the field of environmental science to help Environmental Professionals harness the full potential of their practice. It involves the use of tools and technologies to achieve a certain degree of publicity and broaden the reach of the practice and the practitioner. The conference is a rare opportunity for all individuals of the environmental community to upgrade their know-how of the latest technologies & strategies.


Green Energy Congress 2019 has been designed with a twofold objective in mind. The main theme of the conference is "Share & acquire knowledge on utilization of natural resources” which covers a wide range of critically important sessions.

The event aims at bringing the advancement in the field of Green Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Green Economy and also lays a special emphasis at Educating and informing environmental researcher, industry professionals with the latest knowledge of technologies that can be applied to counter the economic under-evaluation ecologist may face in their practice.

To add to its promise, the venue of the event has been selected after much research to assure that the event is being held in one of the hotspots for the concerned field, therefore attendance is expected to be astounding, both in quality and quantity. The variety of prospective audience includes: figures of academic excellence, interested industrialists, Students, exhibitors and eminent faces from the world of marketing thus enabling the sponsors a unique chance to choose from a pool of outstanding scopes for expansion of their business, new project undertaking and recruitment. All these factors combined and several more make Green Energy Congress 2019 a “must attend” green energy conference.



Sessions and Tracks

Track 1: Green Energy & Solar Energy

Solar panels converts the sun's lightweight in to usable alternative energy victimization N-type and semiconductor device material. Once daylight is absorbed by these materials, the alternative energy knocks electrons loose from their atoms, permitting the electrons to flow through the fabric to provide electricity. This method of changing lightweight (photons) to electricity (voltage) is named the electrical phenomenon (PV) result , presently star panels convert most of the actinic radiation spectrum and regarding half the ultraviolet and actinic ray spectrum to usable alternative energy. Solar energy technologies use the sun's energy and light-weight to produce heat, light, hot water, electricity, and even cooling, for homes, businesses, and business.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 2: Sustainable Energy Policies

Sustainable energy is energy that's consumed at insignificant rates compared to its offer and with manageable collateral effects, particularly environmental effects. Another common definition of property energy is associate degree energy system that serves desires |the requirements |the wants| of this while not compromising the flexibility of future generations to fulfill their energy needs. Not all renewable energy is property. Whereas renewable energy is outlined as energy sources that are naturally replenished on an individual's timescale, property (often stated as 'clean') energy should not compromise the system within which it's adopted to the purpose of being unable to supply for future want. The organizing principle for property is property development, which has the four interconnected domains: ecology, economics, politics and culture property science is that the study of property development and biological science.


Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 3: Bio Fuel

A biofuel could be a fuel that's created through modern biological processes, like agriculture and anaerobic digestion, instead of a fuel created by earth science processes like those concerned within the formation of fossil fuels, like coal and crude oil, from prehistoric biological matter.

Biofuels will be derived directly from plants (i.e. energy crops), or indirectly from agricultural, commercial, domestic, and/or industrial wastes Renewable biofuels typically involve modern carbon fixation, like people who occur in plants or microalgae through the method of chemical action. Alternative renewable biofuels are created through the employment or conversion of biomass (referring to recently living organisms, most frequently bearing on plants or plant-derived materials). This biomass will be reborn to convenient energy-containing substances in 3 totally different ways: thermal conversion, chemical conversion, and organic chemistry conversion. This biomass conversion may result in fuel, solid, liquid, or gas type. This new biomass also can be used directly for biofuels.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 4: Bio Remediation

Bioremediation could be a method want to treat contaminated media, together with water, soil and submersed material, by fixing environmental conditions to stimulate growth of microorganisms and degrade the target pollutants. In several cases, bioremediation is a smaller amount pricey and additional property than different remedy alternatives. Biological treatment could be a similar approach want to treat wastes together with effluent, industrial waste and solid waste.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 5: Green Economy

The inexperienced economy is outlined as Associate in Nursing economy that aims at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities, which aims for property development while not degrading the atmosphere. It's closely connected with ecological political economy, however incorporates a  lot of politically applied focus. The 2011 UNEP inexperienced Economy Report argues that to be inexperienced, Associate in Nursing economy should not solely be economical, however conjointly truthful. Fairness implies recognizing international and country level equity dimensions, notably in reassuring a simply transition to Associate in Nursing economy that's low-carbon, resource economical, and socially inclusive.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 6: Climate Change & Renewable Energy

Climate change isn't new and also the Earth’s climate has modified several times naturally throughout lots of years and might additionally amendment in exactly a few years. Climate changes square measure caused by the full quantity of energy received from the sun that's unbroken within the Earth’s atmosphere. These changes square measure unfold round the world by winds and ocean currents. Over the last 2 million years the Earth’s climate has modified naturally repeatedly from ice ages to a far hotter climate. Natural changes within the Earth’s climate square measure caused by: - tiny changes within the Earth’s orbit round the sun and tiny changes in the lean (axis) of the planet.

- volcanic eruptions from volcanoes ashore and below the ocean.

- changes within the quantity of energy we tend to get from the sun as well as sunspots.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 7: Energy & Environment

Energy is a global journal for the publication of vital, terribly top quality, agenda-setting analysis with reference to energy conversion and storage, various fuel technologies and ecology. For work to be printed it should be of great general interest to our community-spanning audience. The scope is deliberately broad and also the journal recognizes the quality of problems associate degreed challenges with reference to energy and ecology and thus significantly welcomes work of an knowledge base nature across each the (bio)chemical and (bio)physical sciences and chemical engineering disciplines.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EK Oenergy 

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 8: Waste To Energy

Waste to Energy, may be a term that's accustomed describe numerous technologies that convert non-recyclable waste into usable varieties of energy as well as heat, fuels and electricity. WTE will occur through variety of processes like burning, chemical action, pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion, and lowland gas recovery. The term WTE is usually employed in specific relevance burning that burns fully combusted waste at ultra-high temperatures leaving energy recovery. Trendy burning facilities use pollution  management instrumentality to forestall the discharge of emissions into the surroundings.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 9: Recycling Renewables

We can facilitate educate our families and communities concerning the importance of use for our surroundings, and the way every folks will build a distinction for a much better world by use. Recycling is directly connected to renewable energy because it helps in sustaining the natural resources of the world. With the promotional material concerning use reaching each nook and corner of the globe, there area unit several organizations, that have volunteered to require on use. Several merchandise are launched to facilitate correct use method. Northern California Compactor has pioneered during this field with their differing types of compactors and use units. However, there area unit many of us during this world, who are constantly in 2 minds concerning use. Knowing the advantages and advantages of use will facilitate in clearing their doubts.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 10: Tidal Power

Tidal power, conjointly referred to as recurrent event energy, could be a stylconverts the energy of tides into helpful kinds of power – principally electricity. Although not nonetheless wide used, recurrent event power has potential for future electricity generation. Tides area unit additional certain than wind energy and alternative energy. Among sources of renewable energy, recurrent event power has historically suffered from comparatively high value and restricted handiness of websites with sufficiently high recurrent event ranges or flow velocities, so constricting its total handiness. However, several recent technological developments and enhancements, each in style (e.g. dynamic recurrent event power, recurrent event lagoons) and rotary engine technology (e.g. new axial turbines, cross flow turbines), indicate that the overall handiness of recurrent event power could also be abundant above antecedently assumed, which economic and environmental prices could also be brought right down to competitive levels recurrent event energy could be a renewable energy supply.


Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 11: Bio Mass

Biomass is a renewable energy source from living or recently living plant and animal materials which can be used as fuel. In the context of biomass for energy the term is usually want to mean plant primarily based material, however may apply to each animal and vegetable derived material. Biomass could be a key building block of biofuels – it are often specially mature for electricity production or to supply heat within the energy context, as an alternate to fossil fuels. Biomass consists for the most part of carbon, gas and chemical element and little quantities of different atoms, together with alkali, alkaline-earth metal and serious metals may be found. Biomass is that the building block or ‘feedstock’ for several different fuels. The key distinction between biomass and alternatives like fossil fuels is that the distinction between the time it takes to make full the supply of every. Biomass takes carbon out of the atmosphere whereas it's growing, and returns it because it is burned. If it's managed on a property basis, biomass is harvested as a part of a perpetually replenished crop, this can be either throughout dry land or agricultural management or as a part of an eternal program of replanting with the new growth taking over greenhouse gas from the atmosphere at an equivalent time because it is discharged by combustion of the previous harvest. In distinction, once a fuel is burnt the greenhouse gas within the atmosphere will increase because it takes many countless years for the fuel supply to be replenished.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 12: Chemical Batteries

An chemical battery may be a device consisting of 1 or a lot of chemistry cells with external connections provided to power electrical devices like flashlights, smartphones, and electrical cars. once battery is provision power, its positive terminal is that the cathode and its negative terminal is that the anode. The terminal marked negative is that the supply of electrons that once connected to Associate in to external circuit can flow Associate in deliver energy to an external device. Once battery is connected to Associate in Nursing external circuit, electrolytes square measure ready to move as ions at intervals, permitting the chemical reactions to be completed at the separate terminals so deliver energy to the external circuit it's the movement of these ions at intervals the battery that permits current to emanate of the battery to perform work  traditionally the term "battery" specifically observed a tool composed of multiple cells, but the usage has evolved to boot to incorporate devices composed of one cell.


Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 13: Emerging Technology

Emerging technologies are technologies that are perceived as capable of adjusting the established order. These technologies are usually new however embrace older technologies that are still controversial and comparatively undeveloped in potential, like preimplantation factor tic designation and gene medical care. Emerging technologies are characterized by radical novelty, comparatively quick growth, coherence, distinguished impact, and uncertainty and ambiguity. In alternative words, associate rising technology may be outlined as "a radically novel and comparatively quick growing technology defined by a precise degree of coherence dogging over time and with the potential to exert a substantial impact on the socio-economic domain(s) that is discovered in terms of the composition of actors, establishments and patterns of interactions among those, along side the associated data production processes. Its most distinguished impact, however lies within the future so within the emergence section remains somewhat unsure and ambiguous."

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 14: Energy Efficiency

At its most simple, energy potency refers to a technique of reducing energy consumption by victimization less energy to realize an equivalent quantity of helpful output as an example, associate energy-efficient 12-watt diode bulb uses 75-80% less energy than a 60-watt ancient bulb however provides an equivalent level of sunshine. Efficient energy use has been a rising trend within the U S, thanks to increasing energy prices and also the environmental issues caused by greenhouse emission. This inexperienced energy trend is clear within the product and appliances purchasable to customers, several of that become a lot of energy-efficient from year to year. The trend conjointly extends to  homes  a growing variety of prospective owners square measure commencing to request energy ratings before deciding to buy property.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 15: Energy Storage

Energy storage is that the capture of energy made at just one occasion to be used at a later time a tool that stores energy is usually known as Associate in Nursing accumulator or battery. Energy comes in multiple forms as well as radiation, chemical, gravitative  potential, electrical potential, electricity, elevated temperature, heat and kinetic. Energy storage involves changing energy from forms that square measure tough to store to additional handily or economically storable forms. Some technologies offer short energy storage, whereas others will endure for much longer. Bulk energy storage is presently dominated by electricity dams, each standard in addition as tense.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 16: Future Challenges

While nothing is for certain, some things which will lie ahead square measure currently terrible. If taking a short-run horizon of maybe 5 years or less, then such future challenges will for the foremost half be unheeded by the bulk of people and organizations. However, associate degree credible long designing very got to embrace an awareness on peak oil , peak water , food shortages , resource depletion , viral pandemics , antibiotic resistance , population ageing.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 17: Geothermal

Geothermal energy is thermal energy generated and hold on within the Earth. Thermal energy is that the energy that determines the temperature of matter. The heat of the Earth's crust originates from the initial formation of the earth and from decay of materials (in presently uncertain however presumably roughly equal to proportions). The energy gradient, that is the distinction in temperature between the core of the earth and its surface, drives a nonstop conductivity of thermal energy within the kind of heat from the core to the surface. The adjective energy originates from the Greek roots earth, and (thermos), that means hot.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 18: Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources

Hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) have become common as complete power systems for providing electricity in remote areas thanks to advances in renewable energy technologies and subsequent rise in costs of oil merchandise. A hybrid energy system, or hybrid power, typically consists of 2 or additional renewable energy sources used along offer to produce inflated system potency likewise as larger balance in energy supply.


Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 19: Hydrogen Energy

Hydrogen is that the simplest part , associate atom of chemical element consists of only 1 nucleon and one negatron , it is also the foremost plentiful part within the universe. Despite its simplicity and abundance, chemical element does not occur naturally as a gas on the world - it is often combined with alternative components. Water, for instance, could be a combination of chemical element and O (H2O).Hydrogen is additionally found in several organic compounds, notably the hydrocarbons that structure several of our fuels, like gasoline, fossil fuel, methanol, and gas. Chemical element may be separated from hydrocarbons through the appliance of warmth - a method referred to as reforming. Currently, most chemical element is formed this manner from fossil fuel , associate electrical current can even be accustomed separate water into its part of O and chemical element. This method is understood as electrolysis. Some alga and bacterium, victimization daylight as their energy supply, even offer off chemical element underneath bound conditions.


Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 20: Ocean & Marine Energy

Marine energy or marine power (also typically said as ocean energy, ocean power, or marine and fluid mechanics energy) refers to the energy carried by ocean waves, tides, salinity, and ocean temperature variations. The movement of water within the world’s oceans creates a huge store of K.E., or energy in motion , a number of this energy are often controlled to get electricity to power homes, transport and industries. The term marine energy encompasses each wave power i.e. power from surface waves, and recurrent event power i.e. obtained from the K.E. of huge bodies of moving water. Offshore alternative energy isn't a style of marine energy, as alternative energy comes from the wind, not with standing the wind turbines are placed over water. The oceans have an amazing quantity of energy and are about to several if not most focused populations. Ocean energy has the potential of providing a considerable quantity of latest renewable energy round the world.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 21: Photovoltaic

Photovoltaic SUDI shade is associate autonomous and mobile station in France that gives energy for electrical cars victimization solar power. Solar panels on the International artificial satellite Photovoltaics (PV) is that the conversion of sunshine into electricity victimization semi conductive materials that exhibit the electrical phenomenon impact, a development studied in physics and chemistry. A typical electrical phenomenon system employs star panels, every comprising variety of star cells, that generate power. PV installations could also be ground-mounted, top side mounted or wall mounted. The mount could also be fastened, or use a star hunter to follow the sun across the sky. Solar PV has specific blessings as associate energy source: once put in, its operation generates no pollution and no greenhouse emissions, it shows straight forward quantifiability in respect of power wants and chemical element has giant handiness within the Earth’s crust.


Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry

Track 22: Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineering is that the branch of engineering that's involved with protective individuals from the results of adverse environmental effects like pollution, in addition as up environmental quality. Environmental engineers work to boost usage, waste disposal, public health, water and pollution management, in step with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The apply of environmental engineering dates back to the dawn of civilization. Ever since teams of individuals began living in semi-permanent settlements, they need to subsume the challenges of providing clean water and removing solid waste and waste matter. With the expansion of cities and also the advent of large-scale farming and producing, individuals have conjointly had to fret concerning air quality and soil contamination.

Related Green Energy Conferences Green Energy Events Renewable Energy Conferences Bioenergy Events

International Summit on Conventional and Sustainable Energies, 2019, Chicago, USA; 21st International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Applications June 25 - 26, 2019 Paris, France. 8th International conference on Energy and Sustainability 3 - 5 July, 2019 Coimbra, Portugal; 3rd World Congress on Wind & Renewable Energy June 24-26, 2019 Barcelona, Spain, Wind Energy Symposium  Jan  07-11, 2019 San Diego, USA

Related Societies:

Asia: Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology, IRENA – The International Renewable Energy Agency (Abu-Dhabi)

Europe: Danish Organization for Renewable Energy, European Renewable Energy Council, Green Power Forum, INFORSE-Europe, International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, World Council for Renewable Energy, European Wind Energy Association, Renewable UK, EKO energy   

USA: American Council on Renewable Energy, American Solar Energy SocietyAmerican Wind Energy AssociationFlorida Solar Energy Centre, Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Related Journals : International Journal of Green EnergyEnergy and Environmental SciencesInternational Journal of Sustainable and Green EnergyTrends in Green Chemistry


Market Analysis

SummaryRenewable energy is the energy that is produce from natural resources directly from the sun, and indirectly from sun or from any natural mechanisms of the doesn’t include energy resources derived from inorganic only include waste from organic sources. 100% renewable energy is motto for every country. Renewable energy resources exist over vast earthly areas, in compare to other energy sources, which are limited up to some countries. A vast compass of energy-producing technologies and materials has been developed over time to take advantages of these natural resources. Committee invites all the participants across the earth to attend the International conference on Green Energy on April 1, 2019 at Amsterdam, Netherland covers a broad range of topics to discuss on this international platform by conducting keynote lectures, workshops, speeches, and poster presentations. Sustainable Energy is designed to explore the implications of energy resources.

For More Info:

Importance & scope:

Renewable energy and resources is most important and valuable source. It’s a part of consumer’s broad plan to meet the energy needs of customers for the next 20 to 30 years. It’s an environmental friendly and naturally replaced, it produces energy from organic and natural factors and they are wind, sun, water, plants. Energy guard has been an important concern to world leaders since the end of the 20th century. Fossil fuels are limited and human population is increasing day by day and in this way use of fossil fuel increases and in order to save for future use renewable energy resources are taking steps for it. Energy security plays a major role in saving and protecting energy.

Universities Associated with Green Energy

Universities in Netherland

Utrecht University                                                            

University Of Amsterdam

Eindhoven University Of Technology

Delft University Of Technology

Hanze University Of Applied Sciences

The Open Universiteit 

Leiden University 

Syddansk University

University of Groningen

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Maastricht University (UM)

Top Universities All Over The Globe

Syracuse University

Bentley University

University of Central Oklahoma

University of Missouri

University of St. Thomas 

University of Colorado at Boulder

Ithaca College

University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point

Carnegie Mellon University

University of California

Pomona College

University of Pennsylvania

Quinnipiac University

The Catholic University of America

The City University of New York

University of Wisconsin – Madison

University at Buffalo, SUNY

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

University of Utah

Northwestern University

Oklahoma State University

Georgetown University

University of Oklahoma

Iowa State University

College of the Atlantic (Bar Harbor)

University of California – Santa Cruz

Colgate University

California State University – Chico

Middlebury College (Middlebury, VT)

University Of Colorado at Colorado springs

State University of New York – Stony Brook University

University Of Vermont

Colorado State University

Santa Clara University

Harvard College/ Harvard University

University of New Hampshire (Durham)

Portland State University

University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign

Columbia University

University of Washington – Seattle

Cornell University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Green Mountain College

Stanford University

Lewis & Clark College

University of California – Irvine

University of Massachusetts – Amherst

University of California – Santa Barbara

Dickinson College

American University


Visa Trip Advisor


Planning a Trip to Amsterdam?? Attend our Meeting!!!

Issue with VISA!!

Green Energy Committee will be glad to help you in all regards to plan your trip to Amsterdam, Netherlands.  Get the official invitation letter from us to attend this event and ahead with a closer step for approval of your VISA

Mail to:

City Attractions of Amsterdam:

  • Anne Frank House
  • Rijksmuseum
  • Van Gogh Museum
  • Heineken Experience
  • Van Gogh Museum
  • Amsterdam Dutch Wine and Cheese Candlelight Cruise
  • Guided Amsterdam Evening Canal Cruise Including Wine and Cheese
  • Amsterdam Canal Cocktail Cruise
  • Zaanse Schans Windmills, Marken and Volendam Half-Day Trip from Amsterdam
  • Dutch Windmills and Countryside Day Trip from Amsterdam Including Cheese Tasting in Volendam
  • Bruges Day Trip from Amsterdam
  • Toms Travel Tours
  • We Bike Amsterdam Tours
  • Joy Ride Tours
  • Amsterdam en Bicicleta
  • Sarah's Tours
  • Wetlands Safari
  • Wheely Dutch Bike Tours - Day Tours
  • LimoBike
  • Lowlands Tours
  • Flagship Amsterdam
  • Romantic Tour Amsterdam
  • Amsterdam Jewel Cruises - Dinner Cruise and many more...

NOTE: The invitation letter will be provided after the attendee confirms his/her participation by reserving their delegate/ speaker slot for the conference.



Submission Deadlines

Submission Deadlines

Early Bird Abstract Submission: December 15, 2018

Second Line Abstract Submission: January 15, 2019

Final Submission Deadline: April 01, 2019


Registration Deadlines

Early Bird: December 31, 2018

Second Round: February 15, 2019  

Final Registration: April 01, 2019


Abstract Submission Criteria & Eligibility



  • Presenting authors are responsible for registration, travel, and hotel costs. Note: Those with accepted abstracts will receive an acceptance mail allowing them to register for the conference.
  • Abstracts will be compiled and conference books are made available to participants at the conference.
  • Any presenter who is unable to attend should arrange for another qualified individual to present the paper/poster in question. If such a change is necessary, please notify our conference team



  • Oral paper presentations will have 30-minute time slots and be clustered by theme into sessions. The keynote session will have for 45-minute time slot, workshop/ special session will have 60-minute time slot and symposium will have 60-minute time slot followed by 5-minute Q&A session.
  • Graduate & Masters students are eligible to submit their abstracts under poster and e-poster presentation category.
  • Ph.D. students are eligible to submit their abstract under special YRF (young researcher’s forum), poster and e-poster presentation category.

NOTE: YRF category includes short oral presentation especially for Ph. D. students

  • Extended abstract: Submissions should utilize the Abstract Template. Papers submitted in this category may represent original empirical research, theoretical development, reviews, or critiques.



To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date April 01-02, 2019

Speaker Opportunity

Day 1

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation Expert Opinion on Environmental Biology

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by