Yudi Widodo
Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute, Indonesia
Title: Integrating root crops with animal husbandry for providing renewable energy in rural remote regions
Biography: Yudi Widodo
Energy has to be available everywhere in any location including in rural remote areas where communities live. A major figure in developing countries, poor electricity were suffered by inhabitants of rural remote areas, due to wire connection from state is not available. Electrical facility is providing for community who able to buy energy for their daily life. In fact at rural remote areas whereas agriculture is existing, biomass produced as byproduct from existing agriculture can be used as raw material to provide renewable energy with ecologically friendly. At least two of daily basic needs namely food preparation and light or heat have to be available. Cassava, sweet potato and the other root crops are mostly grown by farmers in rural areas. The main economical yield in the form of starchy root and tuber are directly for human consumption, however the abundance of biomass aside as source of feed, it also provide potential renewable energy by mixing with animal dung. Methane released from this integration system can be burnt to prepare food as well as to provide light. By implementing this method, free methane emission into atmospheric zones is avoided, so indirectly converting methane as renewable energy is a part of the endeavor to reduce global warming. Waste from methane digester can be mixed with organic material for worm rearing as source of protein for fish and chicken as well. Worm dunk is spent for organic fertilizer of agricultural field to attain greener environment.