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Green Energy Conferences, Recycling Conferences, Energy Conservation Conferences, Bioremediation Conferences Rome, E-Waste Recycling Conferences, Climate Change Conference, Best Green Energy Conferences, Best Recycling Conference, Biomass & Bioenergy, Green Economy Conferences, Smart Grid Conferences

Rafael Benshaya

Technion University School of Science, Tel Aviv Switzerland

Green Energy Conferences, Recycling Conferences, Energy Conservation Conferences, Bioremediation Conferences Rome, E-Waste Recycling Conferences, Climate Change Conference, Best Green Energy Conferences, Best Recycling Conference, Biomass & Bioenergy, Green Economy Conferences, Smart Grid Conferences

Mike G Hart

Sierra Energy USA

Green Energy Conferences, Recycling Conferences, Energy Conservation Conferences, Bioremediation Conferences Rome, E-Waste Recycling Conferences, Climate Change Conference, Best Green Energy Conferences, Best Recycling Conference, Biomass & Bioenergy, Green Economy Conferences, Smart Grid Conferences

Benjamin Welle

Perkins&Will USA

Green Energy Conferences, Recycling Conferences, Energy Conservation Conferences, Bioremediation Conferences Rome, E-Waste Recycling Conferences, Climate Change Conference, Best Green Energy Conferences, Best Recycling Conference, Biomass & Bioenergy, Green Economy Conferences, Smart Grid Conferences

Andrew Kwon

Destin Power Co South Korea

Green Energy Conferences, Recycling Conferences, Energy Conservation Conferences, Bioremediation Conferences Rome, E-Waste Recycling Conferences, Climate Change Conference, Best Green Energy Conferences, Best Recycling Conference, Biomass & Bioenergy, Green Economy Conferences, Smart Grid Conferences

Gianna J Link

Cornell University Medical College USA

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LTR Partners Japan

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August Donat Wojtkiewicz

LeoVera USA

Green Energy Conferences, Recycling Conferences, Energy Conservation Conferences, Bioremediation Conferences Rome, E-Waste Recycling Conferences, Climate Change Conference, Best Green Energy Conferences, Best Recycling Conference, Biomass & Bioenergy, Green Economy Conferences, Smart Grid Conferences

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Processi Innovativi srl Italy

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About Conference

ConferenceSeries LLC LTD takes immense pleasure and stretches out a warm greeting to join in "10th International Conference on Green Energy and Recycling" to be held during November 17-18, 2022 in Rome, Italy. Green Energy 2022 is the head occasion that unites an extraordinary and worldwide blend of specialists, researchers, scientists, subject matter experts and query understudies to trade and share their encounters and exploration results on all components of Green Energy. It moreover gives a head interdisciplinary stage to explores, professionals and instructors to present and discuss patterns, the most recent developments, and issues as appropriately as useful difficulties experienced, and alternatives embraced in the fields of  Green Energy. The Conference Series allows to Recycling Experts, Environmental Scientists, Young scientists, trained professionals and examiners everywhere on the world to assemble and take in the latest advances in the field of Green Energy and Recycling and to exchange various contemplations and experience.
Target Audience:
  • Recycling Associations
  • Green Energy Training Institutes
  • Research Scientists
  • Recycling Industries
  • Recycling Researchers
  • Atom economy
  • Business Entrepreneurs
  • Training Institutes
  • Environmental Academia’s
  • Ecologists
  • Chemical Engineers
  • Environmental Engineers
  • Waste Management Associations
  • Chemical Industries


Scientific session 1Green Energy
Green Energy principally involves natural energetic processes which are able to be controlled with little or no pollution. Anaerobic digestion, geothermal power, wind power, small-scale hydropower, alternative energy, biomass power, recurrent event power, wave power, and many sorts of nuclear power belongs to the green energy. Some definitions might embody power derived from the combustion of waste. Green energy customers either obligates the utility firms to increase the number of inexperienced energy that they purchase from the or directly fund the green energy through a green power provider.
Related Conference: Green Energy | Green Nanotechnology | Green Processing and Solar Energy | Chemical waste recycling | Domestic Waste Management | Waste to Energy | Green Technology | Bio-remediation | Environmental Engineering | Energy Conservation | Green Economy | Biomass and Bioenergy | Bio-fuel | Sustainable energy Policies | Energy and Environment | Smart Grid
Scientific session 2Green Nanotechnology
Green nanotechnology typically refers to the use of applied science to strengthen the environmental property of processes producing negative externalities. It to boot refers to the employment of the product of applied science to strengthen property. It includes making inexperienced Nano-products and exploitation Nano-products in support of property.
Related Conference: Green Energy | Green Nanotechnology | Green Processing and Solar Energy | Chemical waste recycling | Domestic Waste Management | Waste to Energy | Green Technology | Bio-remediation | Environmental Engineering | Energy Conservation | Green Economy | Biomass and Bioenergy | Bio-fuel | Sustainable energy Policies | Energy and Environment | Smart Grid
Scientific session 3Domestic Waste Management
Waste exchange or waste organization consolidates all activities and exercises to supervise waste from creation to move. It is like manner fuses transport, garbage gathering, treatment and move with rule. This additionally identifies with including direction on reusing and reuse. Squander the executives incorporates all sort of a waste. For instance, agrarian waste, family squander and so forth The essential precept of waste organization is to decrease the hostile effect of waste on the earth, prosperity. Squander expulsion administration isn't consistently polished among the nations, districts, and areas.
Related Conference: Green Energy | Green Nanotechnology | Green Processing and Solar Energy | Chemical waste recycling | Domestic Waste Management | Waste to Energy | Green Technology | Bio-remediation | Environmental Engineering | Energy Conservation | Green Economy | Biomass and Bioenergy | Bio-fuel | Sustainable energy Policies | Energy and Environment | Smart Grid
Scientific session 4Waste Management Techniques
Waste management methods are important in order to reduce damage in the condition, and they will help keep the land clean. Regularly used waste management methodologies are ocean dumping, sanitary landfills, incineration, recycling and composting. Waste management structures include mechanical and generic waste treatment, mechanical organization of misuse, resource recovery from waste, waste disposal methods, recovery and recycling. Each of these methodologies are useful for limiting unhappiness in nature, one way or another, they also have several goals of intrigue and weight. Reuse is the best waste management procedure out there, and the benefit of reuse is imperative to give living space to what comes next.
Related Conference: Green Energy | Green Nanotechnology | Green Processing and Solar Energy | Chemical waste recycling | Domestic Waste Management | Waste to Energy | Green Technology | Bio-remediation | Environmental Engineering | Energy Conservation | Green Economy | Biomass and Bioenergy | Bio-fuel | Sustainable energy Policies | Energy and Environment | Smart Grid
Scientific session 5Waste to Energy
Waste-to-energy (WtE) is the process of generating energy in the form of electricity and/or heat from the primary treatment of waste, or the processing of waste into a fuel source. WtE is a form of energy recovery. Most WtE processes generate electricity and/or heat directly through combustion, or produce a combustible fuel commodity, such as methane, methanol, ethanol or synthetic fuels. The term WtE is commonly used in specific reference to incineration which burns completely combusted waste at ultra-high temperatures allowing for energy recovery.
Related Conference: Green Energy | Green Nanotechnology | Green Processing and Solar Energy | Chemical waste recycling | Domestic Waste Management | Waste to Energy | Green Technology | Bio-remediation | Environmental Engineering | Energy Conservation | Green Economy | Biomass and Bioenergy | Bio-fuel | Sustainable energy Policies | Energy and Environment | Smart Grid
Scientific session 6Climate Change and Renewable Energy
All energy sources have some impact on our environment. Fossil fuels-coal, oil, and natural gas-do substantially more harm than renewable energy sources by most measures, including air and water pollution, damage to public health, wildlife and habitat loss, water use, land use, and global warming emissions.  Renewable energy is one of the most effective tools we have in the fight against climate change, and there is every reason to believe it will succeed. A recent New York Times column seems to imply that renewable energy investments set back efforts to address climate change nothing could be further from the truth.
Related Conference: Green Energy | Green Nanotechnology | Green Processing and Solar Energy | Chemical waste recycling | Domestic Waste Management | Waste to Energy | Green Technology | Bio-remediation | Environmental Engineering | Energy Conservation | Green Economy | Biomass and Bioenergy | Bio-fuel | Sustainable energy Policies | Energy and Environment | Smart Grid
Scientific session 7Bio-fuel
Biofuels are created from living organisms or from metabolic by-products (organic or waste products) instead of a fuel created by natural science processes like those involved among the formation of fossil fuels, like coal and crude. Biodiesel is also a form of diesel fuel ready-made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled building greases. It is safe, perishable, and produces less air pollutants than petroleum-based diesel.
Related Conference: Green Energy | Green Nanotechnology | Green Processing and Solar Energy | Chemical waste recycling | Domestic Waste Management | Waste to Energy | Green Technology | Bio-remediation | Environmental Engineering | Energy Conservation | Green Economy | Biomass and Bioenergy | Bio-fuel | Sustainable energy Policies | Energy and Environment | Smart Grid
Scientific session 8Biomass and Bioenergy
Biomass is any basic material which uses sunshine as substance essentialness. Biomass essentialness has more carbon release diverged from replicating coal. As a fuel, it might meld wood, wood squanders, straw, fertilizer, sugarcane, and different various things from developing strategies. Change of biomass to biofuel can be capable by various procedures which are comprehensively amassed into warm, manufactured, and biochemical strategies. Bioenergy is a sensible force source from normal resources, for instance, biofuel. Biomass and Bioenergy is the route toward utilizing economical force source resources, for instance, regular and agrarian wastes and besides use of normal essentialness like daylight based force as an elective imperativeness source.
Related Conference: Green Energy | Green Nanotechnology | Green Processing and Solar Energy | Chemical waste recycling | Domestic Waste Management | Waste to Energy | Green Technology | Bio-remediation | Environmental Engineering | Energy Conservation | Green Economy | Biomass and Bioenergy | Bio-fuel | Sustainable energy Policies | Energy and Environment | Smart Grid
Scientific session 9Energy Conservation
Utilization of renewable energy sources in the industrial sector is yet to improve as it has in the field of its utilization for power generation due to greater scope of improvement with reference to CO2 capture and storage and energy efficiency. Conservation is the process of reducing demand on a limited supply and enabling that supply to begin to rebuild itself.
Related Conference: Green Energy | Green Nanotechnology | Green Processing and Solar Energy | Chemical waste recycling | Domestic Waste Management | Waste to Energy | Green Technology | Bio-remediation | Environmental Engineering | Energy Conservation | Green Economy | Biomass and Bioenergy | Bio-fuel | Sustainable energy Policies | Energy and Environment | Smart Grid
Scientific session 10Green Economy
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has defined green economy as one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. In its simplest expression, a green economy can be thought of as one which is low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive.
Related Conference: Green Energy | Green Nanotechnology | Green Processing and Solar Energy | Chemical waste recycling | Domestic Waste Management | Waste to Energy | Green Technology | Bio-remediation | Environmental Engineering | Energy Conservation | Green Economy | Biomass and Bioenergy | Bio-fuel | Sustainable energy Policies | Energy and Environment | Smart Grid
Scientific session 11Nano Environmental Technologies
Application of nanotechnology which involves the manipulation of materials at the scale of the nanometre to green engineering principles is "Green nanotechnology". Maintaining and improving soil, water, and air quality represent some of the most formidable challenges facing global society in the 21st century. Pollutants from such diverse sources as oil and chemical spills, pesticide and fertilizer runoff, abandoned industrial and mining sites, and airborne gaseous and particulate matter from automobiles exacerbate the situation on a daily basis.
Related Conference: Green Energy | Green Nanotechnology | Green Processing and Solar Energy | Chemical waste recycling | Domestic Waste Management | Waste to Energy | Green Technology | Bio-remediation | Environmental Engineering | Energy Conservation | Green Economy | Biomass and Bioenergy | Bio-fuel | Sustainable energy Policies | Energy and Environment | Smart Grid
Scientific session 12Bio-remediation
Bioremediation is also a waste management technique that involves the use of organisms to induce eliminate or neutralize pollutants from a contaminated site. Technologies are going to be sometimes classified as in situ or ex situ. In situ bioremediation also involves treating the contaminated material at the location, whereas ex situ involves the removal of the contaminated material to be treated elsewhere. Bioremediation would possibly occur on its own (natural attenuation or intrinsic bioremediation) or may exclusively effectively occur through the addition of fertilizers, oxygen, etc.
Related Conference: Green Energy | Green Nanotechnology | Green Processing and Solar Energy | Chemical waste recycling | Domestic Waste Management | Waste to Energy | Green Technology | Bio-remediation | Environmental Engineering | Energy Conservation | Green Economy | Biomass and Bioenergy | Bio-fuel | Sustainable energy Policies | Energy and Environment | Smart Grid

Market Analysis

Green Energy in Italy industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market size (value 2016-20, and forecast to 2025). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market.

 The renewable energy market consists of the net generation of electricity through renewable sources. It is divided into four segments, these being hydroelectricity, wind energy, solar, biomass and geothermal. The volume of the market is calculated as the net volume of electricity produced through renewable means and the market value has been calculated according to an average of annual non-household power price, or equivalent, excluding taxes and levies. All market data and forecasts are represented in nominal terms (i.e. without adjustment for inflation) and all currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant 2020 annual average exchange rates.

  • The Italian renewable energy market had total revenues of $13.2bn in 2020, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1% between 2016 and 2020.
  • Market production volume increased with a CAGR of 2.7% between 2016 and 2020, to reach a total of 115,015.8 GWh in 2020.
  • Hydroelectricity had the highest volume in the Italian renewable energy market in 2020, with a total of 47,223.0 GWh, equivalent to 41.1% of the market's overall volume.
  • Scope
  • Save time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, major segments, and leading players in the renewable energy market in Italy
  • Use the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the renewable energy market in Italy
  • Leading company profiles reveal details of key renewable energy market players’ global operations and financial performance
  • Add weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the Italy renewable energy market with five year forecasts


Past Conference

7th World Congress and Expo on Green Energy

Conference Series LLC LTD has organized “7th World Congress and Expo on Green Energy” on June 24-25, 2019 which was held at Barcelona, Spain. Green Energy 2019 aimed to gather global leading educational scientists, researchers and research students, to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all the aspects of Green Energy and Recycling. The Theme for the Conference was "Share & acquire knowledge on utilization of natural resources”. We invited all the Directors/Managers/CEO’s, Presidents & Vice Presidents Industry professionals, Brand Manufacturers/ Marketers of Consumer Products, Marketing, Advertising and Promotion Agency Executives ,other researchers in the field. They have conducted Keynote speeches on Green Energy and Recycling and various sessions like Exhibition on Solar Energy, Plenary talks on Renewable energy and Green Nanotechnology and different sessions related to the Conference. Workshops, Symposiums on waste management and Poster Presentations on Chemical Waste Recycling .Panel discussions on Chinese Medicine and Biofuel the latest research developments in the field of Green processing and Solar Energy

6th International Conference on Green Energy & Expo

Conference Series LLC LTD has organized “6th International Conference on Green Energy & Expo” on August 29-31, 2018 which was held at Toronto, Canada. Green Energy 2018 aimed to gather global leading educational scientists, researchers and research students, to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all the aspects of Green Energy and Recycling. The Theme for the Conference was “Renewable Energy for a Sustainable World”. We invited all the Directors/Managers/CEO’s, Presidents & Vice Presidents Industry professionals, Brand Manufacturers/ Marketers of Consumer Products, Marketing, Advertising and Promotion Agency Executives ,other researchers in the field. They have conducted Keynote speeches on Green Energy and Recycling and various sessions like Exhibition on Solar Energy, Plenary talks on Renewable energy and Green Nanotechnology and different sessions related to the Conference. Workshops, Symposiums on waste management and Poster Presentations on Chemical Waste Recycling .Panel discussions on Chinese Medicine and Biofuel the latest research developments in the field of Green processing and Solar Energy


International Conference on Green Energy

Conference Series LLC LTD has organized “International Conference on Green Energy” on April 01-02, 2019 which was held at Amsterdam, Netherlands. Green Energy 2019 aimed to gather global leading educational scientists, researchers and research students, to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all the aspects of Green Energy and Recycling. The Theme for the Conference was   ”Renewable Energy & Emerging Technologies”. We invited all the Directors/Managers/CEO’s, Presidents & Vice Presidents Industry professionals, Brand Manufacturers/ Marketers of Consumer Products, Marketing, Advertising and Promotion Agency Executives ,other researchers in the field. They have conducted Keynote speeches on Green Energy and Recycling and various sessions like Exhibition on Solar Energy, Plenary talks on Renewable energy and Green Nanotechnology and different sessions related to the Conference. Workshops, Symposiums on waste management and Poster Presentations on Chemical Waste Recycling .Panel discussions on Chinese Medicine and Biofuel the latest research developments in the field of Green processing and Solar Energy

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 17-18, 2022

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Past Conference Report

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Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation Expert Opinion on Environmental Biology

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