Abdesslem Djerdir
University of Technology Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM), France
Title: Mobypost project: 10 fuel cell electrical vehicles and two refueling stations for postal delivery
Biography: Abdesslem Djerdir
The European project MobyPost (http://mobypost-project.eu/) takes into consideration the whole energy from production to consumption through the innovative solution "from sun to wheel". This is achieved on the one hand, through the development of two hydrogen production stations thanks to the electrolysis of water from solar photovoltaic energy. The Hydrogen thus produced is stored in two buffer tanks installed on two experiment sites in the French Bourgone-Franche-Comté region namely, Audincourt and Perrigny. The project allowed the design and the construction of 10 fuel cell electrical vehicles for the delivery of mail to cover a geographical area within a 25 to 35 km radius around the postal centers. The Mobypost vehicles are feed each day with hydrogen on the buffer tanks. In contrast to high-pressure storage (between 350 and 700 bar) currently used by the known fuel cell electrical vehicles, hydrogen storage in MobyPost vehicles is of the solid type and is at low pressure (between 2 and 10 bar), which offers more safety on board the vehicles. Experimentation achieved during the project highlights the real and actual specifications used nowadays by La Poste to deliver the postal mail in the more effective way. Hence this allows demonstrating the relevance and feasibility of such an innovative approach with nearly zero carbon emission in real working conditions. A further important goal of the project is also to diffuse the results to similar niche markets around Europe like e.g. postal mail operators of others countries, proximity delivery services providers or municipal technical services.