Suhas B. Dhande
K.R. Sapkal College of Management Studies, India
Title: Energy Conservation: Adapt to the nature
Biography: Suhas B. Dhande
In the current scenario of worldwide emerging need of energy conservation, various renewable energy sources are being explored, tested, some are under development and some are already in practical use, partially or fully. No doubt, it is the need of the hour. Many a times, very simple solutions can give answers to the complex questions. This paper tries to focus such simple solutions to the issue of energy utilisations and conservation. If human being adapts to the nature, follow the nature, lot of energy requirement can be bring down. This energy saved will be energy earned. This will reduce the burden on the energy conservation issue. Nature prompts us very efficient way of optimization. Human being used to follow the same path till recent years. But technology gave human being over-confidence and so he started dis-obeying the laws of nature, rather exploiting them. This is the crucial time to think seriously, understand the limitations of human being and technology, so as to adapt to the natural principles of nature. This will help conserve all- the nature, the human beings and all the living beings. The paper explores various ways how human being can adapt to the natural principles of nature and how the approach can contribute to the issue of energy conservation.