Biography: Mohamad Kharseh
Owing to the awareness of the impact of global warming, there has been a growing interest in studying the relationship between human activities and climate change. Observations provide evidence that rising atmospheric CO2 level, which has increased by 25% last century caused by human activities, are associated with rising global temperature. This air pollutant makes planet's climate system more unstable. Review of the literature confirms that climate change has consequences of on public health. Although, some of these health impacts of climate change would be beneficial (e.g., reduce the seasonal wintertime peak in deaths in temperate countries), scientists believe that most of the health impacts would be detrimental. Climate change directly increases water temperature, which it is an important cause of increasing waterborne disease, and enhances the potential for contamination by means of flooding. According to WHO, three million people annually die worldwide as a direct result of air pollution. The United Nations Environment Program acknowledges that deteriorating environmental conditions are responsible for 25% of all preventable ill health. About 5% of deaths and diseases globally are attributed to air pollution. Additionally, extreme climate events such as droughts, floods, or hurricanes, which are expected to become more frequent, have great impact on public health and life quality especially in poor countries. The currents presentation shows evidences, causes, and identify climate changes effect on public health and economic; as well as review a number of actions and mitigations that can reduce or prevent adverse health outcomes related to climate change.